I completed my PPL in a Cessna 172 earlier this year. After doing a little flying in a piper arrow, I was hooked and I am ready to purchase one. In fact I have been shopping diligently and have not found the right one. There are a ton of later model t tails but research says it will fly differently than what I would prefer. In my search for the perfect Piper Arrow I thought it would be wise to look at similar aircraft just in case. Silly me now that I did a monkey wrench has been thrown in the mix. It seems the Mooney is a highly touted machine within the same class as the arrow but with different flight characteristics.
Now here is the questions (I know, there was a lot said just to get to the question but) Does any one know where I could possibly rent one? If not, is there a way to meet Mooney owners near the Atlanta, GA area? There seems to be no flight clubs or schools with one in their fleet. If possible, I would love to speak to an owner to gather some real insight. I would be even happier if I could find fellow pilot who would be willing to fly with me to the restaurant of there choice on me in a Mooney. Then pay for the fuel to get us there and back.
I also hear Mooney has a great family of aviators so, could someone point me in the right direction?
by the way guys...I’m Phill