1961 Mooney M20B N74768 S/N 1805
Asking $58,000 or best offer
Aircraft Total Time: 3171
Engine Time Since Overhaul: 792 Lycoming O-360-A1D 180 HP
Propeller Time Since Overhaul: 792 No reoccurring prop hub AD
All logs since new
Times will continue to go up
Last Annual Completed: 6/11/24
Compressions @ Annual #1 74/80 #2 75/80 #3 76/80 #4 76/80
Fresh oil change @ annual with Phillips 20W50 and CamGuard
Oil analysis history available since 2/18 through current
Engine EZ Heat 440 oil pan heater
Battery tender plug
AirWolf Remote mount oil filter
3 point shoulder Hooker harness for front seats
LED Position Lights and LED Landing/Taxi Light
Electronics International CGR-30P Primary Engine Monitor
Ads B out Stratus ESG with Stratus 3I Ads B in Wifi to Ipad/Foreflight
AirGizmoes Ipad Mini mount on copilots side panel
4 place Intercom
Narco 810 Com Radio
Narco DME
Narco Nav radio and indicator all in one
KLN 90B VFR installed GPS
New one piece LP Aero plastics windshield 7/20
New Brake disks and Linings/pads 4/22
New tubes in all 3 tires with 90* valve stem 4/22
New vernier mixture cable 4/22
New vernier prop cable 4/22
New silicone rocker box gaskets 5/23
Install overhauled Rapco vacuum pump 5/23
Install 8 new Champion spark plugs 11/23
New ELT battery 6/24 next due 7/26
Altimeter,Transponder check completed 6/6/24
Bruces Cover
Bruces Cowl Plugs
Many speed Mods
Flap Gap seals
Aileron gap seals
Brake wheel cylinder rotation
Cowl enclosure fairing - increases speed and improves engine cooling
Wing root leading edge fairings-lowers stall speed increases handling not shown in pictures just completed recently
Lasar rudder and elevator hinge cover fairings installed 12/24
In the fall when the temperature changes and starts to cool off the fuel tanks start to seep no seepage observed any other time. No drips observed ever.
To be 100% honest I hate to sell her. I have spent a lot of time fixing lots of the little things and making it as good as I could over time. I have done owner assisted annuals and maintenance (I think I changed every single screw I touched my first annual with new stainless hardware and every inspection panel that had threads messed up I fixed. New tubes in the tires with 90* valve stems so it wasn't a fight every time I wanted to check the tire pressure. Just two examples.) Please don't misunderstand me I am not saying she is perfect there is always room for improvement, but I can't think of a single time she let me down. If you are looking for a beauty queen this is not the plane for you. The interior is possibly original and could use a face lift but she safely carried me my family and my friends many miles. I bought her in the fall of 2021 and have put over 200 Hrs Tach time on her so far. I had plans to upgrade the avionics so I could get my instrument rating in this plane, but I have an opportunity to move into a newer faster plane that I feel only a fool would pass up. So I am looking to pass her on to the next caring pilot to fly and enjoy.
Please feel free to DM me or email me at speed_freak_ld@yahoo.com and I will send you my phone #.
Thank you for your time!