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    1961 M20B

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  1. Price dropped and times updated 12/27/24 It's almost time for an oil change. Now would be a great time if someone wants to come do an oil change and cut and inspect the oil filter.
  2. What about this one? It's a B model with a low to mid time engine. Has an engine monitor and ADS-B. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/48792-1961-mooney-m20b-n-74768-for-sale/
  3. That plane is listed for sale on Gmax's website if I am not mistaken. Very odd to me. Gmax always uses controller and that looks like it's on trade a plane. No way Jimmy ever had anything to do with the trade a plane write up. Wow.
  4. 1961 Mooney M20B N74768 S/N 1805 Asking $58,000 or best offer Aircraft Total Time: 3171 Engine Time Since Overhaul: 792 Lycoming O-360-A1D 180 HP Propeller Time Since Overhaul: 792 No reoccurring prop hub AD All logs since new Times will continue to go up Last Annual Completed: 6/11/24 Compressions @ Annual #1 74/80 #2 75/80 #3 76/80 #4 76/80 Fresh oil change @ annual with Phillips 20W50 and CamGuard Oil analysis history available since 2/18 through current Engine EZ Heat 440 oil pan heater Battery tender plug AirWolf Remote mount oil filter 3 point shoulder Hooker harness for front seats LED Position Lights and LED Landing/Taxi Light Electronics International CGR-30P Primary Engine Monitor Ads B out Stratus ESG with Stratus 3I Ads B in Wifi to Ipad/Foreflight AirGizmoes Ipad Mini mount on copilots side panel 4 place Intercom Narco 810 Com Radio Narco DME Narco Nav radio and indicator all in one KLN 90B VFR installed GPS New one piece LP Aero plastics windshield 7/20 New Brake disks and Linings/pads 4/22 New tubes in all 3 tires with 90* valve stem 4/22 New vernier mixture cable 4/22 New vernier prop cable 4/22 New silicone rocker box gaskets 5/23 Install overhauled Rapco vacuum pump 5/23 Install 8 new Champion spark plugs 11/23 New ELT battery 6/24 next due 7/26 Altimeter,Transponder check completed 6/6/24 Bruces Cover Bruces Cowl Plugs Many speed Mods Flap Gap seals Aileron gap seals Brake wheel cylinder rotation Cowl enclosure fairing - increases speed and improves engine cooling Wing root leading edge fairings-lowers stall speed increases handling not shown in pictures just completed recently Lasar rudder and elevator hinge cover fairings installed 12/24 In the fall when the temperature changes and starts to cool off the fuel tanks start to seep no seepage observed any other time. No drips observed ever. To be 100% honest I hate to sell her. I have spent a lot of time fixing lots of the little things and making it as good as I could over time. I have done owner assisted annuals and maintenance (I think I changed every single screw I touched my first annual with new stainless hardware and every inspection panel that had threads messed up I fixed. New tubes in the tires with 90* valve stems so it wasn't a fight every time I wanted to check the tire pressure. Just two examples.) Please don't misunderstand me I am not saying she is perfect there is always room for improvement, but I can't think of a single time she let me down. If you are looking for a beauty queen this is not the plane for you. The interior is possibly original and could use a face lift but she safely carried me my family and my friends many miles. I bought her in the fall of 2021 and have put over 200 Hrs Tach time on her so far. I had plans to upgrade the avionics so I could get my instrument rating in this plane, but I have an opportunity to move into a newer faster plane that I feel only a fool would pass up. So I am looking to pass her on to the next caring pilot to fly and enjoy. Please feel free to DM me or email me at speed_freak_ld@yahoo.com and I will send you my phone #. Thank you for your time! Leighton
  5. If you don't mind saying where in KS is the F located?? I am based at KMEJ
  6. No one else may find it anywhere near as humorous as I do but that was very funny sir!! even though it shouldn't be.
  7. I would take a set for a 1961 M20B
  8. so this is why i am hung up and confused. as stated above by MikeOH (the wood itself didn't scare me, but finding a competent wood A&P did!). that being said with the small amount of reading i have done i have decided i am to chicken to fly one with a wood tail. but if you look at mooney service bulletin number: M20-170A Dated 2/24/69 https://mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SBM20-170A.pdf states that immediate compliance is required. installation of a metal empennage is mandatory within one year. but if you look at AD 86-19-10 also posted above by MikeOH https://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgad.nsf/0/33BA96B4A3AD098A86256A57006692E3?OpenDocument it has an effective date of october 6 1986 and my interpretation of it is that it is just an inspection of the wood tail i see nothing requiring it to be replaced by metal? so i guess my question what is the difference between a mooney service bulletin and an AD? i would think if the service bulletin was followed when released in 69 there would be no reason for AD 86-19-10 released in 86? so did they retract the mooney service bulletin? at the end of the day it doesent really matter because I would want it changed to metal for my piece of mind. justified or not. my delima is i found a 1960 M20a sitting in a hangar here in SW KS that I think looks pretty good. granted I know NOTHING AT ALL about the wood wing. I know most would probably argue that i would be way better off just buying a later all metal mooney but I hate to see this bird just sit there and rot. I guess i an trying to figure out if it is at all even thinkable for me to get it back in the air. or if not me if someone here looking for a project could get it flying or if it is so far gone it is just doomed to sit there forever....
  9. I would also welcome any advice from the wood wing mooney owners. I found a 1960 M20A sitting in a hangar near me that peaked my interest so I have done a little reading about it and I am confused. I have seen a metal tail referenced several different places and possibly that there was an AD requiring the wood tail to be changed to metal? but I havent been able to find the AD? if someone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome. is there an AD to change the wood tail to metal and I am just looking in the wrong spot?
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