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  1. Jeff, Sorry for the late reply. This is great information. Appreciate your thoughtful response. 1) Flight profiles look great and I will keep those notes. 2) I'm sticking with the latter now as well and simply leaving the mixture alone in descent with small reductions on the MP. I will enrichen in the approach environment. 3) I see what your doing during Lean Assist. I think we are both doing it by the book. As you know Busch wonders why we are bothering with EGT. My problem is that he does not give much specific guidance as to what CHT's to look for other than below certain numbers....380 for the Continentals etc.. The process and system are set up to use EGT's. We are not hurting anything as you say and there is no one answer. Thanks again! John
  2. Anthony, Thank you so much for the notes. Very helpful. Sorry for the late reply. See below John, I like your logic up to a point… The 50°F LOP… is one of those things…. 1) If you fly at 10k’…. You are well above the red fin territory in you NA Mooney… Understood. 2) Adding LOP to that… is similar to pulling the throttle back…. Why would you want to do that? Agreed 3) I tend to use Altitude as a few more minutes of safety drive… in the event of an off airport experience… So do I. 4) a few degrees LOP… allows maximum power available, outside the red fin territory, and no other CHT issues… Seems logical. I shouldn't get hung up on 50 LOP when it no longer applies. 5) If you are pulling back on the throttle, going that deep LOP, saving the engine…. Or flying around at low altitudes… that may make sense… OK 6) Having a discussion with Bob Minnis would be great! I may track him down but enough experts who know his writings here on-line it seems. 7) Often around here… you will see MSers climb at FT, lean using the G1000’s white box, climb to altitude…. Cruise at WOT, leaned to peak so all cylinders are slightly LOP, and do an inflight mag test somewhere in the middle of the flight… with 2700rpm available… 2550 is a great option to have… (2700 is great for getting off the ground and clearing trees…. And E-descents….) That's what I'm doing now though at 2500 RPM 8) The advantage of all cylinders being Lop… all the lead is being burned, no excess fuel being used for cooling… when it is not required… Yes 9) Going any more LOP at altitude has skipped any extra value that it gets at lower altitudes… Makes Sense 10) The IO550 Mooneys have very nice instrumentation and sensor locations when it comes to reading/using EGT data… there is a very precise Ship’s EGT gauge location… we actually have 7 EGT instruments… not just six… Didn't know that. 11) Raw EGT data actually means something when using this gauge… I agree more precise. As you know M. Busch could care less about EGT. He doesn't even look at it. Just one opinion but his argument is compelling. It's all about ICP's (CHT is our only view of that with the current instrumentation) 12) Of course… somebody goofed up the tag name on the G1000 for Ovations… does yours say TIT on the G1000? I think mine says EGT. 13) Most Ovations don’t have a turbine to measure an inlet temperature…. it’s a relic of the Mooney/Garmin team’s inability to work together all of the time… Old stuff. 14) along with the power chart from the 310hp STC…. Look up the MAPA key numbers method for simple math in your head kind of way of adjusting MP, and RPM to get %power you want…. That’s an easy way compared to memorizing two power charts… Great. I'll look that up or call MAPA. I'm all for easy math. 15) Let’s talk max FF… what is your’s set at during T/O at Sea Level? Many IO550s in the field are set too lean for good CHT control… from Missiles to O3… 25, 27, 28, 29, or 30 gph? I'm 29.1-29.7 depending on conditions. Runs great. Go IO550! PP thoughts only, not a mechanic… Best regards, -a-
  3. I agree with above. Busch uses a quick and easy estimate that is equal to HP. 310 HP equals 31 GPH maximum and he likes it. More fuel, more cooling. My IO550G also runs well at a bit over 29 GPH on Takeoffnand my mechanic wants it there.
  4. Thanks Bob! I will take a look. I have the 'N' engine so a bit different per notes above. John
  5. All, Thank you so much for the information! It has been such a pleasure to join this group since I bought the airplane in July. You are all a wealth of information. I have a few notes and questions below. Please do not feel the need for long responses. I will get the Performance Tables from the TCM I0-550 Manual along with a 3GX Manual. I am on board and read all of Mike Busch's books, signed up for his Savvy program, and have uploaded engine data. (engine running well) Again, brief is fine. I have the normally aspirated IO-550. 1) I've been flying 60-65% LOP in cruise. IF I wanted to fly a bit faster (since I bought a Mooney) I'd like to try 75% cruise ROP some times. You all know the 'Red Fin' chart Busch refers to by Gordon Feingold. It shows approximately 75% 180 degrees ROP to stay our of red zones. Any further suggestions or techniques? 2) Back to 50 LOP Cruise: What do you do with the Throttle and Mixture on descent (forgetting out of yellow or green arc etc.)? I've flown with 2 mechanic and 4 CFI's. Sharp guys including my mechanic Brian Kendrick and Kevin K. at Mooney Aircraft. Different answers from all of them. Varied from keeping the same EGT in descent (Busch doesn't even look at EGT's), slowly enrichening while pulling back the throttle, to doing nothing and then in the pattern at lower power settings simply enrichening to get back to ROP. As you know if you simply enrichen on the descent your now dealing with crossing back over into ROP ops and temps go up initially. Suggestions or techniques? 3) Busch's 'Big Pull' for LOP at cruise. He doesn't like Lean Assist as it's based on EGT's and it's too slow and thus too much time is spent with higher combustion chamber pressures. It's all about CHT's and keeping down the ICP's. You know all of this. Suggestions or techniques on making that pull over to LOP. Many thanks for all of your thoughts. I hope to meet everyone at a Mooney Summit or MAPA event some day. John
  6. Hi All, I have an Ovation 2GX with the 310 HP STC conversion. Only one new chart in the POH per the STC paperwork. Anyone know where to find data on Cruise Settings operation.? My POH has data for the 280 HP engine. Perhaps I should just get a 3GX POH. Is there a good source for POHs? I just upgraded to Performance level in ForeFlight and they may have the other data for runway and climb performance. Thanks as Always!
  7. Thanks. Very Helpful! That sounds similar. Had the feet going to sleep a bit. It's the reclined (lying down feel) that is getting to me. Hey, it's a Mooney. We're sitting on the floor-board, not above it as in other aircraft. I'll get it done. I tried most of what you said. I'll get the back more upright and the seat lowered all the way. Off to Oregon Aero or Aero Comfort.
  8. Excellent! Many thanks. A few other owners mentioned that they weren't that comfortable either. Guess I'd just forgotten. I won't be flying more than 3 hours or so I guess but want to be relatively pain free and enjoying the ride! It'll be worth the money to me to get something from Oregon Aero. Appreciate the tip.
  9. I am looking at Ovation 2 GX's. I recently flew one for the first time. Loved it! Any suggestions for getting comfortable in the Ovation? I had a J but it had been a while. Been renting a Cirrus. It is quite different with a yoke and the low seating. Much of it is me. I'm 6' 1" around 180 lbs.. I have the standard lower back issues. It didn't hurt but my feet were tingling a bit. Once in Cruise it was OK as I could slide the seat back and bend my knees. I didn't bump into the yoke at all but it seemed close. I see the seat goes up and down. Someone recommended a personalized seat. I have a small pad I use in a car. Oregon Aero apparently does some customized seat cushions. I've seen other notes on the message boards here. That's it. I know an odd question but it's important. I want to be comfortable while enjoying my Ovation! Thanks!
  10. Thanks again for all the great tips!
  11. Thank you for all of your notes. Crazy times. I appreciate the sage advice. Trying to be patient, thorough, and yet move when something is attractive. MooneySpace has already exceeded my expectations!
  12. Excellent. Many thanks!
  13. Many thanks, I'll keep it short. Thanks for all your notes. I have visited Jimmy and GMax aircraft. I have several PPI spots and most of them travel for me to an aircraft if needed. Toto understands my question. All I needed was a name. Thanks very much! How do I contact Ken? Have a great week and appreciate your assistance.
  14. I am looking for an unbiased consultant to help with the search for an Ovation 2. I have a Mooney shop lined up for a pre-buy inspection, another group who will inspect logbooks and aircraft history, and a long-time Mooney CFI pilot to assist with flight training. I need someone separate from this group (not a broker or salesperson) who is knowledgeable about Mooney aircraft to help analyze the different airplanes as they come on the market. Any recommendations? Many thanks!
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