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Raymond Ritter

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Everything posted by Raymond Ritter

  1. The Johnson bar on my '62 M20C takes two hands to raise and lower the gear. the problem is with the block and release button. I can't do it smoothly with one hand but it takes a monumental effort with two hands to raise the gear. Needless to say having my hands off the yoke on departure is not ideal! Efforts to lower the gear are equally difficult. Just had it up on chocks, the gear tension is in spec. All agree it is the receiving block mounted under the panel (recently replaced with a new Lasar unit). The floor retainer is functioning fine. I have 500 hours in a '61 M20B and never had problems putting the gear up or down with one hand. It's grounded unless I want to fly it gear down.
  2. Absolutely like new Bruces M20C (Aircraft Spruce price $557 plus sales tax) Black INSULATED ENGINE COVER, standard windshield: $400 plus shipping from California.
  3. Does anyone have experience with installation costs of a single G5 AI?
  4. Does anyone have experience with installation cost for a single Garmin G5 AI?
  5. In case you're still flying in Oakland, I wonder if you could recommend a mechanic familiar with Mooneys for an annual. I just acquired an M20C.
  6. I am 6'3 and 205 lb and have no fit issues in a '62 M20C
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