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Everything posted by Jhj123

  1. Thanks everyone, very helpful. I am scheduled with Mark at Top Gun for October.
  2. Getting ready for the first annual. I want to stick to a specialized Mooney shop. Lasar, Top Gun and Foothill are coming to mind. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for me based on your experience. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for all the replies. Getting both mains with tubes changed.
  4. Noob here. The search reveled varying opinions so I thought it maybe beneficial to post pics of my particular situation. I noticed this spot and am wondering if I need to get the port main replaced ASAP? Also, do I need to replace starboard at the same time (even if it doesn’t have the same wear)? Thanks.
  5. I had this problem. The KFC 150 would sometime pass the test on ground and sometimes fail. The yoke switch would work, intermittently. The A/P would not trim. Took the bird to Executive Autopilots at KSAC. Dave found two issues, one was a bad solder on the switch post. He re-tested and could could hear the clutch engage and hear the motor drive but it wouldn't move the controls. On bench testing the servo he found the clutch wasn't fully engaging, he cleaned and re-aligned the engage assembly and voila! problem solved. Highly recommend Executive Autopilots, class acts from start to finish
  6. Ha! Oddly enough, that is true. I didn't even realize the use of the phrase until you pointed it out. I am a fan of (theoretical) nautical adventures but flying is my real love!
  7. Plane is at the shop, it happened while I was on my way to the shop will update when I get the butchers bill!
  8. The joys of aircraft ownership. It was a pretty gusty morning at KSMO. I thought I had closed the door while i was doing my pre-flight, but apparently not. A gust of wind blew the door open. The door is slightly off now, I have to pull it down so it lines up. I was on my way to an A&P for a few squawks so added that to the list. There is a slight bend which he hope the sheet metal guy can take care off. Oh well....... I was going to add a strap to the bottom of the door so it doesn't go all the way to complete stop and put pressure on the hinge- once its repaired, which i hope isn't a major issues
  9. Yes I am, that’s my next step, to modify the ForeFlight checklist. I also want to have a paper backup in the plane. As a brand new and first time owner, I’m learning slowly but surely.
  10. Thank you kindly!
  11. Thanks guys! I am customizing the checklist as we speak.
  12. Wow, I sure am glad to have found this thread. I am having the same problem?m, the Alt Field CB pops when I turn off the switch at shutdown. If there is a delay it doesn’t. I’ll give the A&P the info above, hopefully it fixes it.
  13. Hey guys, ‘wondering if anyone has a checklist for an ovation I can use. I saw the 2007 M20R checklist in the downloads section but thought I’d ask if anyone has another one for a ‘95. thanks.
  14. Yeah, my apologies, the pics were sent by the A&P. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. He looked behind the panel in the first bay but could not find any corrosion so thinks it’s surface only. Can’t see any further as it’s riveted on and isn’t wanting to drill through. The panel with corrosion. Bay Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. thats what the A&P said, filliform. Illl ask him to check for Intergranular. Thanks
  17. Just got an initial PPI report on an aircraft. Three main issues: -Wing root to fuselage surface corrosion. -A couple of wear holes in fairings. -Small fuel seepage left wing. It’s an 88 M20J. I’m concerned about the corrosion I know it’s a 32 year old airplane but thought it was best to get some expert Mooney drivers to comment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Looking at another plane, she spent more than half its life in FL and the rest in the Midwest. Logs show annual treatment with CorrosionX while in FL. How do you feel about a FL plane? I’m assuming a proper Mooney Service Center could identify the dreaded corrosion if any. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. The engine has 675hrs It spent most of its life in San Antonio TX and spent the last 5 years in NM. Maybe it was this forum where someone stated not to chase a tail number. After reading the logs and this being my first plane, seems like I should search for another tail number. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Also, I finally got the logs. The last few annual and tech time btwn them, Shooot... 12/12-10/14: 32 hrs 10/14-12/17: 27 hrs 12/17-9/20: 2 hrs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Thank you Clarence
  22. I know that’s my problem, I’m trying to get Lynn at AGL to direct and provide an oversight as a consultant. He maybe too busy. Let’s see
  23. Hey Guys, I am arranging Pre-Purchase on a M20J in ABQ. It will go to the local FBO, they are asking me to provide a list of items for inspection as they don't do Pre-Inspections in general. Unfortunately not many option in ABQ, I tried Steve Bunch in Santa Fe but he is booked up for a month and a half. Is there a PPI list that other members have usde? they suggested using the annual inspection as a starting point but I thought I'd ask on this forum. BTW the plane had a full annual in September? Thanks
  24. All, looking at the 83 M20J listed by WesternAir in Albuquerque. Any suggestions on PPI in and around the area? Thanks.
  25. Thanks. I need to reach out to Parker. Is there a contract that someone can share as a starting point? I saw the AOPA sample contract, but just wondering if there is a better option used by MS members. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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