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About Pierre07

  • Birthday 07/12/1988

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  1. Good afternoon all, update on my problem, we OH'd the fuel pump couple months ago, problem is still happening. I tried 3-4 different power settings to see if it was that, and still happening as soon as I run it LOP (about 10-20deg LOP), but again only the first time I lean it, then good for the rest of the flight after I re set it to the same exact settings the second time. Still always no problem if I run it ROP. Do anyone know someone who deals with TSIO-360 all the time that may have an idea what to do with that. Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed, but nobody know where to start and I don't want to just change parts and hope it's the right one... Thank you very much again!!!
  2. Thanks a lot A64Pilot, yes it’s exactly my problem, if it always did it, I would have known and tried something else but the fact that it always do it the first time when it does and it’s never right after I lean it. And I have never been able to do it after leaning it the second time with the same exact specs blows my mind. This kinda tells me it’s not a air/fuel ratio problem otherwise it would do it everysingle time once I bring it to 9.8GPH. I’m still going to change the MP and RPM next time to be in a better place but would really like to know if it’s another problem. Thanks!!
  3. Thank you very much everyone, next time I fly I will try and see what it does and keep you posted. Let's hope that's my problem, and other than my ego nothing will get affected haha Thanks again!!!
  4. No, I have the Merlyn Wastegate thanks!!
  5. Thanks Jlunseth One thing I forgot to mention, when I drop the fuel flow to 9.8, I also adjust the Throttle at the same time to keep it at 31. And when I push the mixture back in, I do it to full rich so about 14gph if I remember correctly. The reason why I do 31/2450 and 9.8 is that it gives me 64% power and I can keep the CHT at around 370. thanks!!
  6. Good afternoon all, Question here since my mechanic and I have no clue what’s going on with this. I fly a 1981 231 with the TSIO360LB engine. When I get to cruise altitude, I adjust the power to 31/2450 and after couple minutes when everything settle, I pull the mixture to 9.8GPH and keep throttle and RPM the same as it was. On the last couple flights, it seems like couple minutes after I pull the mixture, all of a sudden, the MP starts dropping quick, like all the way to 25-26, as soon as this happens, I push the mixture back in and it goes straight back to where it was. I let it settle again and repull the mixture to 9.8 and then all is good for the entire flights (3-4hrs). It doesn’t always happen and when it happens, it’s not always the same time after I pull the mixture. And it never happens while running ROP, or it has never happened yet… Did that or something like that ever happened to anyone here, I need help as we have no clue what can be going on. Thank you very much in advance!!!
  7. Thank you very much everyone one for your answers!!! Sorry it took forever to reply, I had to jump on a "away from home" job and just got back. I felt so stupid this weekend going through everything and it ended up being the master switch connection. Screwed it back tight, jacked the planed, gear in/out test couple times and everything was good. Took it out and everything was good. Really happy it was only that!!! Thanks again!
  8. Hi all, I need your help and knowledge here. just went on a quick flight this pm after the annual just got done. Everything went fine until I got back in the pattern and pulled the gear lever down and everything electrical seems like it tripped, my best hint was my GNS530 completely restarted. Gear went down good, everything ended up being good but I couldn’t just let that go. After we got it in the hangar, we jacked it up and tried the same thing, when I took the gear lever up, the beep and red light on the bypass button wouldn’t stay steady, it was flickering, I had to push harder on the master and it seemed like it helped. I’m wondering if it’s the master switch, or the relay or… Did that ever happen to someone before or does anyone have any hints on what it could be? Thank you very much in advance!!!
  9. Thanks Anthony! Yeah I didn’t say that in the description, I have to do the same on mine once you go from one altitude to another. But in this case, it’s doing it on the first time I select altitude hold. Right after my initial climb once I get to cruising altitude. Even if I trim it so it’s flying level and then hit alt hold, it dives. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Hi all, I have a 1981 231 with a KFC200 in that always worked good since I bought it last year. Last flight, I was climbing with A/P on tracking NAV and everything was fine until I hit the alt hold button and then it instantly started diving so I turned everything off and tried it again, did the same exact thing. Even when I’m already all trimmed and flying level, as soon as I hit the Alt Hold, the FD is going straight down and the A/P is chasing is so diving really fast. Anyone on here had that problem before and could help?? Thanks in advance!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. That was 2 years ago and I wasn't the owner at the time so I can't be 100% sure, I can't even tell if they really opened it or not. the color also hit me pretty bad when I opened it. One thing I know now is that they are both new and will be inspected correctly as I do pretty much everything myself with my A&P.
  12. Yes, 2 years (100hrs) before and wasn’t showing anything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Hi, I have an 81 K and I had the same exact thing happen 6 months ago, 2 flights after annual. It was dying instantly as soon as I would turn the switch to right mag during runup. Everything perfect the flights before. After couple hours of troubleshooting, I decided to take it out and open it. Here’s what it looked like, engine had 1050hrs at the time. So I ended up changing it, and the left one did the same thing 3 months later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Hi all, I just got back from a nice flight in my 231 and I was wondering if that ever happened to anyone on here. After cruising for 1 hour, when I started the descent and pulled on the throttle,I noticed that the EDM900 wasn’t doing anything, everything was on but the numbers seamed to be frozen as I could clearly ear the engine sound changing but the numbers never did. I then pulled the breaker for it and pushed it back in, everything went straight back on and worked perfectly. I’ll call the JPI guys tomorrow but I just wanted to know if I was the first one to experience that?? Thanks!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks!! And sure if we can make something fit when I go pick it up, it'll be a pleasure. And if we can't make it at that time, we can schedule something a little later, Charleston/Miami is really not that far in a mooney
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