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About Rick7576

  • Birthday May 15

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    6i2 or 8B0 or 2R4
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  1. I have a 252 with TSIO360mb1 and a Garrett Turbo Charger. At max power every thing is well M.P. = about 36" rpm 2680 FF 23.5 when on climbout I will reduse rpm to 2600. the problem seems to be that as the airplane continues to climb the M.P. slowely falls off. I have not gone above 15000msl and at that altitude the M.P. has dropped off to about 22" , this is with throttle full forword . I think the waste gate opens a bit on takeoff for overboost protection and fails to close as altitude increases. Just wondering what anyones thoughts are on this problem and any suggestions or recommendations or any A&P that may be able to help. Cheers Rick
  2. Just got eng back after rebuild. took 6 months. I lost ALL the pics. of the various tubes, hoses etc. that show where everything goes! I need help from some of you most knowledgeable people in reinstalling these hoses. I've contacted Continental Eng. and their system got hacked about 2 weeks ago and its still down. If anyone has pics , diagrams, etc. I could sure use the help. I'm in Louisville, Ky. and if you are within a reasonable distance I could drive out to your place and take you to lunch in exchange for letting me take about 5000 pics of your eng. setup. Summers coming and I need to get back in the air.... Cheers Rick give me a call if you want 502-216-8756
  3. Thanks for the help Paul..
  4. I have a 252 with dual alternators. My question is how difficult is it to replace the gear-driven alternator that is located below the oil filter?
  5. from what I am seeing: A garmin pilot "Standard Plan" includes IFR charts and high/low maps. does anyone know if you can send the database to your GPS 175 via Bluetooth or wi-fi and if so how its done? I am using Foreflight now and it (garmin) won't let me transfer the IFR database.
  6. I have a Garmin GPS175 and I use Foreflight on my Ipad. They talk to each other flawlessly. If I build a flt.plan on Foreflight it will send it to the Garmin. If I load an approach into Foreflight it asks if I want to send it to the Garmin and vice a versa. I have a subscription to Foreflight and the database is current with NOA charts. The database on the Garmin is out of date. So here's the question. If I load an approach into my flight plan on ForeFlight (which has the current database) and send it to the Garmin (which is using an out of date database) will the Garmin use its database or the new information from ForeFlight ? I dont want to have to subscribe to a Jeppesen database for the ForeFlight and the same Database for the Garmin. Please if you are going on speculation don't answer this question. If you know for sure the answer than thanks for your help !! Cheers
  7. I made the original post. I do a 3-5 min cool down. Ive only had the airplane for about 2 years (225hrs) no problems with airplane so far. except for the mag failure.
  8. Well Boys & Girls Thanks for all the input. happy new year, be SAFE and healthy Cheers Rick
  9. I have a 252 with a TSIO 360 mb1 engine. Recently a Slick Mag. with only 170 hrs. (new not rebuilt) crapped out on me. I was on the ground doing a standard pre takeoff mag check. The right mag was totally dead. I discovered while trouble shooting the bad SLICK mag. that with the eng.RPM around 1000-1200 that the TIT would drop about 50*F in the 2-3 seconds that the eng. was spinning down. (the bad SLICK mag was not sparking on any cylinder, so just cool air running through the eng. and turbo). after 2-3 checks on bad mag the TIT was well below 800*F. The CHT were all below 350*. Usually after a flight it takes 3-5 min for eng to cool down. So here's the question? If in the future after a flight what harm if any is there to turn off both mags (at 1000-1200 RPM) for a couple of seconds 2 to 4 times to get the TIT below 800*. then shutting the eng down the normal way by pulling the mixture. I think this can save 3+ min of idle cooling.
  10. I'm using ipad mini that is bluetooth connected to my garmin 175, Bose A20 and Lightspeed V201 headsets. The ipad shows it is connected to all 3. But for some reason when I'm playing music that is on the ipad I can only listen to the music on 1 headset at a time. I have found the same problem with my Iphone 11. anyone have this problem or have a fix? The Garmin stays connected in all situations. Cheers
  11. Thanks for all your help ! I'll get a couple of the Tempest , and try them out. Cheers
  12. Trying to find oil filter. Anyone know the difference between a Champion CH48108-1 and Tempest AA48108-2 Can I use the Tempest ? Cant seem to find the CH48108-1 anywhere. Any advice ?
  13. Well this is one of the best information resources on the web.. to hell with google ect. thanks to all for your help and responses!! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Safe and happy New Year to ALL Cheers, Rick
  14. I will be in the Ft. Myers area around the end of the year for 3-6 days. Looking for any advice on where to tie down for a few days. Also will be renting a car. Will be visiting friends between Marco Is. (KMKY) and Punta Gorda (KPGD). So any airport in this general area will work. Any recommendations or advice will be helpful. Cheers
  15. Its all Greek to me ;-}
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