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Kb Brar

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    Fresno CA
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    wedding Photography , expensive cameras and aviation
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  1. Greeting every one , on my Mooney N78903 M20b the right side wing tip strobe failed and left one is fine . I have replaced The Strobe with a Known Good part , no luck , Can any one help me Location of the strobe Power supply and Suggest LED wing tip lights. \]
  2. https://www.aircraft24.com/singleprop/mooney/m20b--xi134412.htm Other one is VFR with WWW 1 Radios .
  3. Thank you that information , I am working on the Pre buy , so far firewall cracks and no known engine or landing gear issues , I am hoping to keep it well maintained and fix it anytime there is a miner issue but I am not planing to do the Stop watch style TBO , how often you change oil on yours. Do share some caring tips , Washing and cleaning etc.
  4. https://www.aircraft24.com/singleprop/mooney/m20b--xi134412.htm Batter radios with Such screen and Female voice lol .
  5. So far the Pre buy has found Filewall Cracks $2000 repair , seller is welling to do it. Engine airframe and prop logs are all Good and plane was well cared for based on the records. 700 Hours on the Prop. Landing gear was last repaired for a gear up landing in 2007 .
  6. Yes Sir it is 70 K , But I like the plane because of the Avionics in it.
  7. 300ish that I know off, My Understanding is Engines can go well over TBO , and so far I have not been able to Figure out that Cost of TBO but my guess is 25K . If I can get 1200-1500 Hours from that engine it would be Awesome but If I have to repair it, then I will just bite it like a Man lol I will really love to know How much I can sell this back into the market with 0 hour Engine .
  8. LOP is a great suggestion , I am not in any rush to get some where , just to build time. The plane have very fancy Radios in and Mid age engine, any tips on getting 4000 hour from it or may be 3800 LOL
  9. the school I fly from just takes me round and round , really hard to make a schedule with them and CFIs don't know a dam thing. Thanks for your encouragement .
  10. I opted for Option One , I calculated 1500 Hours at $130/Hour $195,000 or About 9000 Gallons of fuel or $54000 in fuel price and $141,000 in rental cost . If I buy one for $80000 At least at the end I will b left with a $50000 aircraft . I hope my math is not off by a lot . I have not counted the Insurance and repairs etc.
  11. I am a New pilot with 45 hours on the Logbook. My dream /Goal is to complete IFR , CPL and ATP with 1500 Hours . my Business now is not going to allow me the CFI rout or wait for an aircraft becoming available from the school , so I just have to fly around to build hours , may be 2-3 years Does any one have any personal experience in doing this. I am buying a 1961 M20B Total Time Since New: 5200 hours Engine Time: 1368 SFOH Engine 1350 Since Factory Overhaul Avionics Aspen PRO PFD 1000 GTN-750 Apollo SL-30 GDL88 – ADS-B IN & OUT GTX-327 S-TEC Autopilot single-axis JPI EDM 900 Engine Monitor I hope I am in the right direction, Fist I would like some advise on the Aircraft I am looking at and secondly I need a CFII who can train me in my plane. Airport KFAT or KFCH.
  12. thank you for the incurring reply .
  13. thanks for that , yes I have reliable ground transportation 2019 Mercedes Cargo van , and plane is just a toy like my RED cameras and my Hasselblad. See I shoot with a camera that takes a $3000 memory card , just want to up my game with a plane
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