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Jungle Pilot

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    M20K 252/Encore

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  1. Thanks to another lead, the answer to installing the KAS296B p/n 065-0065-01 into an existing KAS296B p/n 065-0065-00 panel is Bendix/King SB286 which states that pin # 28 must be grounded if you have KEA 130A encoding altimeter, which I do. I will ground the pin and report back. Currently I only get dashes across the screen. King KAS297B Install SB 286.pdf
  2. Thanks Aerodon, FYI I have plugged in the KAS297B … -01 into the existing connector. It powers up but only shows dashes across the screen. I need to find out what that pin change is.
  3. My KAS297B altitude preselect died. It is p/n 065-0065-00. I am replacing it with a slightly newer p/n 065-0065-01. I’ve read that a “-00” can be replaced with a “-01” with harness/connector pin change. Does anyone know how to make, or what is that pin change? thanks, Dave Ketcham N252YB, 252/Encore
  4. Hello Aerodon, What’s the progress on your GAD43e install? I have an existing analog encoding altimeter but can my G500 supply the grey code instead? Do you have a copy of the GAD43e installation manual? Thanks, Dave
  5. Great discussion gentlemen; I appreciate it. Here’s the link to the JPI data on the Savvy Aviation website. In summary, it shows #6 cylinder temperatures starting to climb right at takeoff. You’ll see that as detonation continues to overheat the cylinder, the #6 EGT remains pretty normal, indicating to me, that there’s no clogged injector, and the overhaul shop confirmed #6 injector was fine. https://apps.savvyaviation.com/my-flights/19086/18be2bd1-bb4a-4f2f-8d9c-73b073858174 #6 CHT finally drops precipitously at first power reduction from cruise. i agree with comment about crossfire between ignition wires could only occur if the outer shield is worn through by chafing or other means.
  6. 4. Why did we not see any warning message on the JPI 711? The max CHT is set to 450°
  7. Several weeks ago, on a 30min Encore flight, My #6 CHT went to over 600° as recorded by my JPI 711. Unfortunately, this went unnoticed in flight until engine roughness was detected on the next takeoff which was aborted. On inspection, all cylinders had compression in the 70s except #6 which was 15. Borescope inspection showed piston damage. The cylinder and piston were returned to the engine overhaul since the engine had only 200hrs since overhaul. The #6 spark plugs all had broken center electrode insulators. The overhaul shop is contributing toward the new cylinder and piston and says the classic detonation damage is caused by pre-ignition from “cross fire”, either inside the magneto or in the spark plug wire bundles. They recommend not tie-wrapping spark plug wires together. 1. Has anyone heard of this? 2. If the magneto only fires every 120°. then the only possible pre-ignition crossfire would be 120° BTDC, which if it occurred during the initial compression stroke would do it? 3. Firing order is 1-6-3-2-5-4 so the crossfire pre-ignition would have to come from #1, during #6 compression stroke. Right? thanks for any comments. Dave Ketcham, Mooney 252/Encore
  8. My Mooney 252/Encore has a G500 and KFC 150 autopilot with altitude preselect. The preselect is now inop and I’m consider installing Garmin’s GAD 43e unit so I can altitude preselect directly on the G500. A GAD 43 is already installed, but doesn’t allow altitude preselect but the GAD 43e does. Has anyone done this upgrade and /or installed a GAD 43e?
  9. Both my RH & LH wingtip strobes have gone out, including a recognition light on my M20K s/n: 25-1069 Mooney. How much will you sell the complete Whelen unit and recognition lights for? Im also considering buying the Whelen LED replacement unit. However, it has the white rear-facing white light that won’t work in our wingtips. Correct? thanks, Dave Ketcham
  10. Answering Carusoam - 1) Plane owner is always responsible for his own stuff.... - of course. 2) Parker is awesome about knowing and sharing the details regarding aviation insurance... - I’m working with him. 3) Covering the ferry pilot, and trip is often done with a phone call to your insurance guy to make - sure your policy has all the dots and crosses... - I only have a no-motion policy on it right now. 4) If your plane isn’t insured yet... are you relying on somebody else’s insurance in the event a tornado has a hangar fall on it? - no-motion policy 5) For real uncomfortable moments... wait to find out the insurance answers, after the mishap occurs... - stupid 6) There Have been a few instances Of a gear leg collapsing, or a ground strike, or a wing tip getting torn off... while taxiing... - yes 7) In some cases, like these... the plane gets totaled... and you get what you get from the insurance.... which may not be the same as the price you paid for the plane... - yes 8) What’s the upside of moving the plane without insurance to cover your your asset..? - I am paying for a space at my home airport L18 and will have to start paying for hangar or tie-down at repair airport F70 9) What is the downside of a 252 falling in a pothole while taxiing..? - horrible
  11. The flight is from F70 to L18.
  12. My Mooney 252 needs to be ferried 20 miles to its home airport after repairs since I haven’t been able to acquire aircraft insurance yet. The ferry pilot would have to have his own insurance covering the flight. Does anyone do that?
  13. I’ve just taken delivery of my rebuilt TSIO-360-MB engine upgraded to a -SB. The work was done by LyCon in Visalia California. Now, I would like to get new engine baffling but kits are not available and buying the individual parts would add up tp $8-9k. Where can I find some good used baffling? Can someone copy my baffling and made new? Thanks. Dave Ketcham N252YB M20K 252/Encore
  14. I had an insurance claim last year on my M20K 252 in May and now my insurance Co. won’t renew. AOPA can’t find any of their 8 underwriters that will issue a policy either. Avemco will write me a policy once a year past the claim. Where can I get a policy?
  15. I am looking for the digital version (.pdf) of the M20K-252 IPC (Illustrated Parts Catalog). Thank you Dave.
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