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  1. Speedbrakes deployed on their own in flight today. Was able to retract the first time. Then they deployed again and would not retract until I landed and turned off the master. Turned the master back on and then they functioned normally. We had a lot of rain last week. Could that have been the cause?
  2. Thank you. Read them. Looks like the system has changed over time. Could not find an answer in these threads specific to the M20R 2006 Ovation.
  3. Just got my 2006 Ovation back after the engine overhaul. The "check gear" warning is not working. POH says it should sound if the gear is up and throttle position is 1/4 inch from idle. My mechanic thinks it is also airspeed dependent. Pretty sure I used to hear it at any airspeed if I pulled throttle to idle. Anyone know whether it is airspeed dependent?
  4. Haven't tried yet. But either that or through the door should work.
  5. So far so good. Easy to put together, easy to use, easy to fold and unfold. Goes 17 mph, says it has a range of about 20 miles, climbs hills fine. I think it will be perfect for short hops from the plane.
  6. Thanks. Definitely don't want them back if they are unusable. If the quote for an overhaul contemplates that the shop will get some value from these parts, that's fine; just didn't know if that is how it works.
  7. Thank you. Yes, that may have been one of my mistakes. It may have been looking for my previous GTX, not the new one. Also, after pairing through my phone or tablet's settings, I think I need to connect through an app that is actually supported by the GTX. So, will forget and re-pair the devices, and will then try to connect through FLTplan Go, as Deb suggested. If that doesn't work I will just forget about it.
  8. As part of my overhaul, the cylinders, magnetos and starter will be replaced. Should I expect the old parts to be returned to me for future use if needed? If so, do I specifically need to ask for this to happen or is that the ordinary course?
  9. I interpreted the silence as a hearty endorsement for my provisional pick, the NIU KQi2 Pro. https://shop.niu.com/products/niu-electric-kick-scooter-kqi2-pro Will let you know how it turns out.
  10. And this from the website of the developer of Avare: "Compatibility Below is an incomplete list of external GPS & ADSB devices known to be compatible with Avare. Most standardized devices work well with Avare, but this list of tested devices may be helpful to review for choosing a device. Many other devices beyond those listed below that are designed using industry standards might work perfectly with Avare but have not yet been reported or tested. Please contact us if you’d like us to add to the list a device you know is compatible. OEMs are also invited to contact us about adding their devices. Note that this list may be out of date, and vendors may change their hardware designs making them incompatible. External GPS/ADSB known to Compatible with Avare Stratux open source receiver (Port 4000) Stratus (Recent) receivers may work Dual XGPS-170 & XGPS-150 iLevil SW Lynx NGT-9000 Freeflight Systems FDL-978-XVR (Panel installed) Freeflight Systems Explorer- Skyradar DX" Guess I could have done a better job of researching before I started this thread. Thanks anyway for all of the useful suggestions.
  11. Thanks everyone. Found this from Garmin: "From Garmin: Thank you for contacting Garmin International. The GTX 345 ADS-B weather and traffic data is only able to be displayed on the Garmin Pilot and Foreflight Mobile apps. AVARE does not currently hold a licensing agreement nor the capability to display Garmin data within their app. The only option you have for Android-based devices is the Garmin Pilot app (ForeFlight is not currently Android-capable). We provide you with a 1 month free trial upon download, then our app starts at $79.99 USD/year. Best Regards, Garmin Aviation Support" In this Google Group: https://groups.google.com/g/apps4av-forum/c/A6TlMrzjeRs So that may be that. Gotta love Google . . . even if it is monopolistic.
  12. So I don't use Foreflight or Garmin Pilot on my tablet and phone. Instead I use Avare, which is free. But I am beginning to think that Avare just cannot talk to Garmin's 345r, which is fine I guess.
  13. Any recommendations for a foldable electric kick scooter? Any to avoid?
  14. It is connected to my G1000. So I get traffic on my G1000 MFD. I get whether on the MFD via XM. Thought it would be nice to also get the ADS-B info on a tablet so that I would have two different sources of weather -- XM on the MFD and ADS-B on the tablet.
  15. Recently had to replace my remote transponder, a Garmin GTX 345r. The new unit pairs with my phone and tablet but will not connect to either. Don't know if the old unit had the same issue as I never tried to connect anything to it via Bluetooth. Any ideas?
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