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Mooney Flyer

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  1. Yes, it is easy. First, understand that gallons in the tank will not be linear. Start with empty tank and wooden 1/2" square 15" stick. Five gallons in tank. Mark at wetness point. Five more and so on. Now you have a stick with 5 gallon points, 30 min. On my stick on one side I have time, the other gallons. Mark the stick or another one which is going to be the one you carry. Give it three coats of good urethane varnish. Mine for a 63C has lasted 30+ years.
  2. I am a long time C model owner with a PAI Vertical Card Compass. Over the years I have done the compensation a number of times. Having read the thread I thought I would post the procedures using the balancing balls and also a compensation routine sheet for the steps and data collection. Remember, when adjusting the screws in the unit start with the little dots in the 9 o'clock position and do not rotate them more to more than the 3 o'clock position or damage to compensator mechanism will occur. I hope this is helpful. PAI-700 Vertical Card Magnetic Balls Compensation.pdf PAI Compass Adjustment Routine..docx
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