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    Laguna Beach
  • Interests
    The Mooney, the Jeep, Camping, Outdoorsy Stuff
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  • Model
    1965 M20C

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  1. I went ahead and got AeroShell W100 since that’s what’s in it, then I picked up a filter at Aircraft Spruce for $25... $25... Is it legal to just screw on a Fram or Purolator?
  2. Can anyone recommend a good, economical LED landing light?
  3. Sorry for the delay replying. I've got limited instrumentation. Basic EGTs and head temps; Cylinder #3 sensor is on the fritz. I can only view one cylinder at a time. No carb temp. Only the Prop has Vernier type control. I definitely cannot get lean of peak. I fly very slightly rich of peak, just rich enough to smooth out. Cylinder #1 at around 1365 deg I think.
  4. My landing light quit on me the other night on approach after working for fine at taxi and takeoff. I cycled the switch and it felt like a breaker not wanting to engage. After I was on the ground taxiing fir a bit, I was able to cycle the switch and it worked fine again. Is it pulling too much power? Would replacing it with an LED landing light solve the issue? Is there a reasonably priced option out there?
  5. Getting ready to do another oil change. Wondering how people feel about AeroShell 100W vs Phillips66 100AW. I've always used AeroShell, but the Phillips66 is much cheaper, and they seem to be the same thing. Also, where do you guys buy your oil and filters. I'm always looking to save a buck...
  6. I found a guy at French Valley I think I'm going to like, based on our phone conversation. I went ahead and ordered a TailBeacon. I'll keep you guys posted.
  7. Congratulations! I got my 1965 M20C last year. They are wonderful airplanes. I think your panel cost more than my airplane.
  8. I have not made the purchase yet. I wanted to make sure I had the installation and sign off lined up. I noticed the tail beacon is more expensive (that’s how cheap I am.) is there an advantage to it?
  9. I just flew into Henderson this past Sunday; at which airfield is your AI located? Does he do owner assisted annuals as well?
  10. I just want to get legal with my C Model before the New Year. The plan was to install a Skybeacon, and have Dennis at Inland Valley Aviation sign off on it, and get his instrument guy to run the tests. Turns out Dennis sold Inland Valley Aviation to Affordable Avionics, and they won’t touch the Skybeacon. Grrr... Now I need to find someone to help me with the Skybeacon, AND I have to find a new place to do my owner assisted annuals. Can anybody help with suggestions?
  11. Okay, so I played with the carb heat on the way back from Vegas last weekend at 10,500’ When I introduced a little carb heat, the EGT dropped significantly, along with power. I wasn’t able to lean much more, before it ran rough, and couldn’t get back to the original EGT.
  12. I find myself in full agreement with you. After talking to the little woman, it turns out she doesn’t want to be in the plane more than about two hours at a time anyway, so it’s just as easy to stop for lunch and continue on... The C Model is easy, fun, and plenty of air-lane for my current missions. I’ll look at Ms when she’s wanting to do more long trips...
  13. I find myself in full agreement with you. After talking to the little woman, it turns out she doesn’t want to be in the plane more than about two hours at a time anyway, so it’s just as easy to stop for lunch and continue on... The C Model is easy, fun, and plenty of air-lane for my current missions. I’ll look at Ms when she’s wanting to do more long trips...
  14. Thanks guys.
  15. The Cowgirl Cantina in Old Town Temecula has a taco called the Surfin Cowboy - most satisfaction available for under $5. I’ll meet you in French Valley and share an Uber into Old Town.
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