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  1. Yes with the boost pump on it raises and holds steadier. Mechanic of course can’t duplicate and I can’t recall if the FF gauge is steady on climb out. Both are steady in cruise.
  2. Car, I went to the search tab on the top right and found some FP info but nothing specific for a Bravo. There was a lot of info there but I am curious if others see the flux in pressure on climb out. Is there another way to search here that I am missing?
  3. Noticed my fuel pressure gauge moves around from 31 to 36 on climb out. Once at cruise it stays pretty consistent. Just wondering if this is normal in a Bravo?
  4. Ok great info, thank you guys!
  5. Flying back from La Paz to San Diego and am in the middle of absolutely nowhere (exactly what I suspect the surface of the moon looks like) and saw my RPM gauge flashing red and showing an overspeed prop. Only lasted for a split second then went back to normal. This happened probably 75 times. I took a video (attached and first one is at 10 seconds). Mechanic can’t duplicate. No associated engine oddities noted so there’s that at least. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue? IMG_0293.MOV
  6. Thanks for sharing Rmag! You may have saved me a lot of frustration!
  7. R, I called Garmin and asked if there was a solution and he gave me a half answer. He said you can use the 210 but not everyone has had success.. Not sure how to interpret that so you may be right. Not trying to use the data update feature just wanted to see if there is a way to transfer flight plan info back and forth. You would think there would be some solution to do this?
  8. Anyone use Garmin Flight Stream 210 to wirelessly load flight plans into a legacy G1000? Just trying to see if there is a way to use the much easier Foreflight app to load and modify flight plans into the G1000. Thanks!
  9. Don, Mid, Rag and Car, thank you all so much for this help! The fog is clearing and I am fairly certain I wont be flying a GPS approach and wondering why I haven’t captured the GS (which has sadly happened). This has really helped!!
  10. I was so excited to see those that I didn’t I look close enough. I do believe your both right. They serial number is different that what is required. Sorry for the false alarm!
  11. Rag, So go from “Load” to then hitting “APR” without hitting “activate” on anything with a Glide Slope (when cleared)? Everything without vertical guidance needs “Activate” then “APR” or even just “Nav”? Greatly appreciate all the help here too BTW!
  12. Don, That makes sense but i am confused regarding the GFC700. They have a third option which is a button on the autopilot that says ‘APR’. According to Martha (King) she says if you hit that it will activate the approach. When I watched the Garmin video on the GFC700 they say you need to still hit ‘Activate’, then hit ‘APR’ . Honestly this G1000 seems incredibly complex and I have at least 40 hours study time on it so far!
  13. Just saw this: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F153637684636 I know nothing about them other than what is listed. I did buy one of my GIA63’s in Italy and that worked out great! These are from an air salvage shop in Brazil so may be worth a look.
  14. New to the G1000 and have watching the King videos. They say to “load” approach and when cleared you can just hit “Approach” on the AP (GFC700) to activate it. When I watched the Garmin tutorial they say to hit “Activate” and then hit “Approach”. My question is will hitting “Approach” on AP activate it or do you need to hit Activate first and then Approach? Thanks in advance.
  15. Robert, Could you explain how to insert holds? Very interesting thread BtW!
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