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    1969 M20E

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  1. It's amazing that Mooney used these puck because they were off the shelf parts. If I remember correctly, they were engine mount on International Harvester. After several decade, Harvester stop using the same parts, and we are now stuck with ridiculous over priced rubber donuts....
  2. I got the 12 years number on Lasar web site. It's not a requirement, but simply a recommendation. My main donuts has date stamp of 1999. 25 year is beyond overdue. https://lasar.com/mooney-shock-disc-replacement-and-nose-gear-wear-and-tear
  3. For our collective knowledge. I just got off the call with Herber. The cost at 2025 is $192 per donuts. It look like AircraftSpruce has the lowest price today at $177. Herber says price goes down to around $150 if we order 100 donuts or more. Are there 10 Mooney out there that need their donuts replaced? Check your date, they should be replace every 12 years for short body. Heavier long body will require replacement sooner.
  4. For those that are sharing full coverage, can you also share the insured hull valve?
  5. $600 annually for liability only. Almost 300 pilot time and 250 of that is Mooney .
  6. I designed a visor template for my M20E. Figure I would share them here if it is useful to you. You can buy 3mm acrylic glass in any color you want from Amazon. If you have access to a CNC laser cutter and a 3D printer, you can have your self a pair replacement visor in about 20 mintues. DM if you need help locating a place with a laser cutter. The visor clip is designed for visor rod that is 4.7mm. Visor Clip Flat Tight.stl visor.dxf
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  7. @Matthew P Impressive work on Excel. I used for Excel for years and never knew it can look this good.
  8. Interesting..... Searching or Rate table come up with nothing. Are you referring to buying parts for DIY rate table? Care the share a picture if you made one?
  9. Steel collar is a must safety device whenever I put the airplane on jacks. One goes on the cherry picker's ram as well.
  10. I don't think they are a large company. Did you try to call the number on this page - https://www.swta.net/ By the way, 3d filment print is not the way to go. you will never get to such level of clarity. This will likely involve heat and plexiglass/polycarbonate and a mold.
  11. Yeah, trust me. I tried to repair one my self. As soon as I realized I also had to build a rig to "turn" the coordinator 360 degree with exactly 2 minutes, I say, forget it!! I should let professional handle it. Keven did great work in bring it back alive!!
  12. For what it's worth, I made one 6 years ago using ABS. Smooth it out using acetone. It doesn't even look like 3D printed. It's still working fine today.
  13. Thanks, guys on the info on the STC. I'll give them a call. I'm happy to make the damn wind tips if would let me borrow the mold. .
  14. What's the verdict of the DLC on lifter? One of the shops I talked to say it's best thing ever come of genera aviation (exaggeration). They further added, if Lycoming had done DLC from the beginning, we wouldn't be see all the cam spalling.
  15. Thanks @patriot3300 for posting the STC. Can you elaborate on why the STC is no longer supported? Is Southwest Texas Aviation no longer in business and have effective abandoned the STC? If so, I seem to recall FAA have some provisions in place to release all relevant data?
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