Sia, The AP Control Panel is what's not STC'd yet. It is not required for AP capability- its an optional add on that is only required for electric trim control or yaw dampening. The only thing required to add AP capabilities to the Skyview is the servos themselves. As far as price, there's no difference in hw cost and you can put together a config on their site to get an idea. Obviously you have to leave out stuff that's not STCed (AP Control, VHF radios, etc). It looks like the most common config with transponder, ap servos, 10" and 7" screens, engine monitor, and all the other stuff (batteries, etc) is like $16-$17k. Add $2k for the STC, and according to what they said to@jmoz at SNF, about $6k to install into a 172. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk