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Lee A.

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  1. Time to replace the no-back spring on my Acclaim. Problem is the OEM only sells them to Mooney and Mooney doesn’t have enough money to place an order. Any solutions?
  2. OEM is most likely Enviro Sys. Give them a call. But, if you pull a vacuum on the system, isn’t the current dryer already dry?
  3. Good news! One of the bearings had disintegrated, save a part number. My mechanic was able to source a replacement bearing and fixed it! Brushes still have 50% life left. Going to keep it running.
  4. The part is OEM by Enviro Systems. I spoke with them on the phone: The last year they manufactured this motor was 2006. The last one they overhauled at a cost of $7000! Apparently all the new Mooneys are getting all electric AC from Kelley Aerospace under an STC now for $30k.
  5. Yes, thanks. I called AeroMotors and gave them the Mooney and OEM part numbers. Unfortunately it is not a part within their capability.
  6. Let me know if the compressor works.
  7. 2008 Acclaim S: My mechanic just removed my fan motor for the air conditioning condenser. The bearings are worn out and the the brushes as well. Mooney only supplies the ENTIRE assembly (fan, motor, condenser coil, numerous shrouds and mounting brackets) and the cost is around $20k. All I need is the motor overhauled: Who makes it? Who can overhaul it? What is the part number? Is there a source for brushes and bearings? Here is a photo:
  8. TSIO-550 with oil consumption 1 QT every 2-3 flight hours. Compressions all good. Borescope seems to indicate oil in cylinder 1, 3, and 5 at times. Been following this for over a year. Otherwise engine runs perfect! Cylinders are otherwise in great shape with 1000 HR STOH. Engine is 1900 HRS. Not planning to overhaul. Things I have tried to fix what I think may be a stuck oil control ring: Solvent wash in the cylinders. Frequent oil changes (oil gets dirty in 10-20 hrs due to blow by). Changed the intake valve guide seals (in case they were leaking.) Nothing has fixed it. I suspect a stuck oil control ring on cylinders 1,3, and/or 5. My mechanic has offered to pull cylinders 1,3,5 (the suspected cylinders) and replace piston and rings. Options: Complete top overhaul - not sure why I would do this...cylinders look ok on borescope. Replace piston/rings on cylinders 1,3, and/or 5....not sure how to narrow down if it is just 1 or all 3 cylinders. Overhaul cylinders 1,3,5. Replace cylinders 1,3,5......with maybe Millennium cylinders. Labor to take half the engine apart to do any work on cylinders 1,3, or 5 is about $4k Thoughts? Comments? Thanks, Lee
  9. I think there is something wrong as the g1000 only displays fis-b nexrad within 200 mile box, even though the gtx345r is sending nexrad for CONUS. WILL have to look into it and see if a configuration setting was missed. The update has fixed a few other minor bugs, which I can’t remember exactly what they were, but gone now.
  10. Thanks for everyone's input. After further evaluation, it does appear the Acorn piece is too long for the TCM piece. My mechanic replaced the whole assembly with ACORN. So far that is working well. In addition, he ordered a replacement TCM piece (photo) and it appears TCM changed the shape/design. I suspect these changes did not make it to ACORN, causing the incompatibility issue in my plane. I fortunate to have very good mechanics to help with these issues.
  11. Here are photos....
  12. Thanks for the responses so far.... Here is some additional data: My mechanic discovered the cracked transition piece at annual 3 months ago. He replaced it with a new ACORN brand piece. I do fly with a CO detector. I only noticed the very rare and brief alert of CO during a slow flight type of maneuver. I always fly LOP and keep TIT less than 1600F. I always let the turbos cool down during my 5 min taxi back to the hangar. My mechanic discussed the issue with ACORN today. Everyone's thoughts are the slip joints may not be slipping due to the mix of new/old parts and/or Continental/Acorn parts. So the latest plan is to replace all the parts to the exhaust system on that side of the engine so new is matched with new and brand is matched with brand. Don Maxwell chimed in on facebook recommending checking all the slip joints for proper operation which we have done and will do again. He also recommended loosening the whole system and then retightening while tapping parts to minimize metallurgical stresses. All good ideas. I think TCM recommends this as well. My mechanic indicates TCM/ACORN have a life expectancy of 700 hours on the transition piece as it endures a lot of heat and pressure. My engine TT is 1800 hrs and top overhaul 800 hrs ago which may or may not have included the exhaust parts. Either way, it appears I am well past 700 hours. As for the new transition which cracked at only around 40-50 hours.....I don't know for sure.... I don't have photos currently but have requested them because they will be educational for all of us.
  13. In the last 6 months I have cracked TWO exhaust/turbo transitions. Exact same side and exact same location. Any ideas what might cause this? m20TN Acclaim S TSIO-550 Dynamically balanced. Runs smooth. Engine mounts replaced 2012 and mechanic says are OK.
  14. Good info. I may move that antenna.
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