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  1. the labels say Battery 1, 2, 3 on the breakers in question. I’m trying to figure out why there are 3 for a 2 battery system. And potential reasons why the one labeled battery 1 would have been tripped.
  2. I swung by the hangar this afternoon and took a picture. The port side battery is next to this on the right as the picture was taken and the strip of breakers can be seen in the middle of the wire loom. Thanks in advance for any input.
  3. Good evening all. I was inspecting the linkage to my oxygen bottle today in the tail cone of my Acclaim and noticed a strip of breakers next to the left battery. 3 of the breakers were labeled battery and the one labeled “1 battery” was actually tripped. I had just returned from a quick trip today and flew 5 hours yesterday with no issues. Questions.... 1. Why would there be 3 breakers for 2 batteries? 2. I’ve reset the breaker though I wasn’t having problems. Is this a bad idea since I don’t know what it serves? Thanks in advance.
  4. This answer seems most likely given the much higher Hobbs number. Thanks. while I’m just looking at this point, it never hurts to know such things to the best extent possible.
  5. The logs were complete as far as I could tell on a quick review. I didn’t dig too deep to find a possible source for the disparity I’m asking about here. It was an initial visit. My mission is primarily trips to Daytona and Vero beach. I would like an Acclaim for the flexibility of being able to climb and go fast if I want. If I’m in no hurry, I’ll dial it back and cruise. Seems to be a pretty flexible machine. Thanks for all the replies. Super informative.
  6. Good evening all. I’m looking at planes and considering an upgrade. I looked at an Acclaim and the Hobbs on the rear bulkhead was at 1400ish while the tach was at 900 ish in the G1000. The spread seems very high. I would have guessed maybe 20%. Is this a normal spread? Thanks in advance.
  7. Your bird is amazing. I am, however, a bit more limited given that funding isn't without limits and the work is being done by others. I really appreciate the ideas though.
  8. Thanks for all the replies. I am already adding a new windshield to the project. My inner main gear doors are a little rough. Repair or replacement is a decision I need to make. The ELT antenna in the dorsal fairing is interesting. Blade type VOR antennas will depend on cost. I really wish changing the overhead vent system to the newer style wasn’t such a chore and expense. The air brake up top is pretty primitive. Finally, I’m torn with ram air delete. Giving up ANY power is a tough sell. Thanks again all.
  9. I have struck a deal with Hawk Aircraft Painting in Tampa. So, the process and the painter is identified. I will check those other users though to see what mods they may have incorporated into the project.
  10. I will be getting my 1977 J model painted this June and am wondering if I am missing an opportunity for some awesome modifications that will be easiest done prior to the re-finish? Obviously, the J has a lot of popular speed mods built in. Are there more that I should consider for either speed or appearance that won’t break the bank more than the paint job already is going to?
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