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  1. No corrosion X and I removed the cowling 35 hours ago...clean cowling and not a lot of leaking oil. I have only owned the aircraft since late December. Headed to maintenance this weekend for tire change and new tailpipe. I will show pics to maintenance and ask about friction tape.
  2. Flew through some rain showers for the first time the other day. Tying the plane down I noticed the cowling was streaking with some sort of substance as you can see in the pics below. Anyone experienced this before? Exhaust soot? Cowling vibration / chaffing between where the fiberglass cowling and aluminum meet? Thanks Hank
  3. Please do...I may ride by Wilgrove tomorrow and check it out. Thanks Hank
  4. Thanks Zack.. We spent a couple hours with Mark this past week in JNX. I have not been into 8A6 yet..still trying to perfect my landings as well before I attempt the shorter strips...Any hangar space over there?
  5. Thanks..
  6. My boys were renting substandard equipment for $127/hr back in 2016. I sold the idea of aircraft ownership to my wife based on idea that I could operate a nicer/mechanically sound aircraft for less than $127/hr. I purchased a 1964 M20C (35K) and my boys flew it 200hrs in 13 months. I kept every receipt related to the aircraft.... Insurance Monthly tie down Pre Purchase Inspection / Air fare to inspect aircraft Annual / carburetor O/H Fuel / Oil changes FBO Ramp/custom fees Taxes Total expenses were $18,500 working out to $93/hr. Please note this does not include engine or maintenance reserves....20-25/hr? In my experience it was totally worth the time and effort I spent owning the plane..just hope I have the same experience with our newer J model!! Hope this helps. Hank
  7. Thanks Mark... Would like to take you up on the offer! My oldest is at NCSU. My other at VT headed back on the 22nd. Let me know when you would have some time..I will see if I can make the schedules work. Hank
  8. Thank you Amelia...If the Hickory contact does not pan out we may head East! Hank
  9. Thanks for the sites... Hank
  10. Hi Bob...Yes EQY....Thanks I will see if I can get in touch with Lynn or Brent tomorrow.
  11. Hi All, My two oldest boys are having a tough time with Mooney landings. I have plenty of C time from way back and little J time starting about a month ago. I was never an instructor and can hold my own on landings but I am having a hard time passing on what seems to work for me to the boys! Anyhow... the boys have asked if there might be any instructors in the NC area that could work with them? Thanks, Hank
  12. Hi All.. Small area of hangar rash right tip of my elevator. The paint has chipped off in this area and is about the size of a quarter. It appears there is the beginning of some surface corrosion on the bare aluminum. What is the best way to handle/fix this area of concern? Added the Pic below... Thanks for all the suggestions Hank
  13. Thx..New bulb on the way>> Hank
  14. Hi All, I want to replace the halogen bulb with LED. Is this the correct LED replacement for a 83 M20J? Parmetheus Plus PAR36 LED Part # 11-12976 Thx Hank
  15. Hi Charlie, I have 64 M20C in the Charlotte area. I might be able to make it to Wilmington this weekend if the weather cooperates. Its manual gear and flaps. Planning on putting it on the market in the Fall. Be glad to show it to you. Hank tealsafety@gmail.com
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