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    '81 M20J

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  1. Sorry, I didn't see your message until just now. He certainly did his best to. I failed to manage the escrow process successfully, so it was completely my fault that things didn't go through.
  2. Indeed. I had so many hassles with their verification process because I signed up with a company account, rather than my person. First, they said my ID would be sufficient, but then they switched and said they needed corporate documents, which I provided. In the end, I couldn't give a "photo id" for my company, as no such thing exists, and I was left in limbo. I apologize @jrod_stat, I assumed, incorrectly, that the process would be something like paypal, with some checkboxes ("I sent the thing", "I received the thing"). Unfortunately, I assumed incorrectly. After that, I realized I'll just stick with cash, in person instead. I don't log on here very often, and have had a number of other things going on in my life. The kit is still for sale, if anyone is in the Central Florida Area, or knows a better/easier way to handle shipping with security.
  3. I purchased the entire GI-275 sensor and EIS kit for my M20J three years ago. My mechanics refused to install it because they didn't want to deal with replacing an avionics component (they are not avionics certified). Now, I am selling my plane, and thus, won't have the 275 kit installed in any case. I'm offering the kit for $5000 (Retail is nearly $7000). I'm currently located in Central Florida (just outside of Orlando), so if you're local, this would make everything easier, but I'm willing to talk with anyone who's interested. Please see attached for full list of included components (new, unopened) along with all 8830's. I've included the original invoice, but note that the prices aren't current, and have increased since then (so please don't call PCA and ask for this price!) Please ask a question here, or contact me via MS and I will provide my full contact information for further interactions. Thanks Included: Garmin GI-275 EIS Lycoming Sensor Kit (4 cylinder) Fuel Flow OAT Probe Tach Sender Manifold Pressure Sensor Oil Temp Probe USB Outlet(s) [certified] Garmin-GI-275-EIS-Invoice.pdf
  4. Great shot, I love it. Thanks for sharing.
  5. @Sue Bon Your avatar shows a great sectional livery on a tail, is that your plane? I love the livery! Also, is it a wrap, or paint?
  6. My experience was that it cost me about 2x as much to own/operate in EU as it does in US. Regarding ACG Air-Craft, I realize that there is only one drawback that I could think of (reverting to previous topic): If they work on your plane for a while, it will sit outside in the damp German weather. My plane sat out for a very long time, with no chance to be hangared because the local hangar was full at that time. The service is great, I appreciate how they operate and they let me participate, but my plane experienced some heavy weathering due to Germany's humid/rainy climate.
  7. True! I guess the easiest way to put this, is that there are no charges for IFR flights in the US. No landing fees either, unless you're using jet-level services. On a typical cross-country flight (Coast to Coast), I'll plan on about $100 for parking fees and facilities costs. The rest goes to fuel + lodging + meals. I can fuel up at any time, arrive at any time and leave at any time from nearly any airport here. Not so in Europe... remember operating hours PPR, Customs, local flight patterns, etc. Brutal flight planning involved. Again, I agree, it is worth it. Especially, when flying to places like Vannes, Croatia, or any cool area in Europe (there are so many!).
  8. IIRC, it was over $100 for the stickers. (obviously just printed stickers, nothing fancy...) It may have been more... tbh, the memory was bad enough that I don't want to go back and look ;P
  9. Interesting angle. Never heard of this before, would you be willing to elaborate just a bit more? Thanks a lot, I really appreciate your input!
  10. Not yet, great idea, I'll get on that!
  11. @GeeBee, unfortunately not. Another contact pointed out Continental Motors outside Mobile, AL, but they just stopped doing EASA inspections last week as well. If anyone else has any suggestions, I'd be really appreciative.
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