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About Yariv

  • Birthday February 28

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    M20R 2 GX
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  1. Just to clarify, I did not go fly with the warning light on, nor with the standby alternator on. I went for the short flight only after I verified that the main alternator was charging the battery and the warning light turned off. Thanks for this information, I will take the airplane to the shop.
  2. Hi, I noticed the Alt Volt warning light today for the second time (it happened also a week ago and I executed the steps described here and thought the problem was gone) when I started the engine and turned the Alternator on. I tried resetting the associated circuit breakers but that did not change anything. I then decided to check if the stand by alternator would charge the battery and it did. I increased the RPM to 2300, turned off the main alternator and engaged the standby alternator and it started to charge the battery and the Alt volt warning light turned off. I then disengaged the standby alternator and turned on the main alternator and this time the alternator was charging the battery and there was no warning light. is this a symptom of one of the sensors gone bad? I proceeded with the short flight, initially around the pattern and then 15 miles a way and there were no further issues during the flight. But it still bothers me obviously. thanks, Yariv
  3. It is the original design, 3 position flap lever - up, take-off, and full flaps.
  4. Thanks Stephan. I hope it’s not the case here as my airplane sits in a hangar with cowl plugs in place. I’ll update the thread in July after the airplane comes back from its annual inspection.
  5. Hi, this is my latest issue - I cannot lower the flaps to take-off setting before take-off. When I lower the flaps lever, nothing happens. I have to lower it to full flaps and then raise it up to take-off position to make it work. Raising the flaps from take-off position works fine. it was explained to me that it involves upper limit switches and down limit switches and that in this case it is probably due to a down limit micro switch malfunction. Has anyone experienced this before? thanks, Yariv
  6. I love it, very efficient avionics instrument that has 3 in 1, in great resolution and utility.
  7. I had these two backup instruments removed by PCA to make room for two other instruments. They were not needed anymore because I have a GI-275. Airspeed Indicator - Sigma Tek 820308-531 Model: EA5175. TSO Part number: EA5175-8PTL-MON 40-210 knots, type II $360 Altimeter - United Instruments, Inc. TSO Part number: 5934PA-3 1000’-35,000’ $550
  8. Sorry, missed that and read what I wanted to hear:-).
  9. @Marc_B - they were ok with Aerox portable oxygen tank?
  10. Hi all, in preparation for a ferry flight I would like to bring along a few important items on the airline flight- CO detector, and a handheld radio. Has anyone taken these items on a commercial flight, either carry-on or checked luggage? a quick search on TSA site shows that radios are ok in either checked or carry-on, but I don’t trust these results. thanks, Yariv
  11. It was the roll servo. It was removed by PCA in Aurora Oregon and sent to Garmin for an overhaul. It came back 2 weeks later with 1 year warranty. It is working perfectly. Initially I was told that it would most likely be an exchange but then they told me that this part is not manufactured anymore, that it's too old and therefore an overhaul was the only way. Access to the roll servo was from inside the cockpit - they removed the panels from the central pedestal that is between the pilot and copilot. The total bill was ~$1800. Hope this is helpful to others in the future.
  12. Not a dull moment:-). This was earlier today on an IFR flight from Paine field (KPAE) to Weed (O46), California. I flew the rest of the flight by hand. This was good practice. I did not see any circuit breakers pop out. One thing I did to try troubleshooting it was to recycle the AP Power switch. That did not help as the the system went through its checks and ended up displaying the Roll in red on the upper left side of the PFD. There were two other messages on the PFD before it displayed the last warning (Roll) - AFCS, and PFT. Is this a servo problem or not enough info to determine? Thank you, Yariv
  13. Thank you kortopates. The airplane flies regularly. On this specific flight, it was working fine on the outbound trip and 3 days later on the trip back it did not work. They cannot send a refresh signal if there is no data I’d to send it to. Sirius XM told me that it is most likely a weather receiver issue. XM music was ok. And now, a week later I flew it again and the first thing I checked after starting the engine was the XM info page and miraculously the data ID re-appeared. I was able to use XM weather on the flights since then.
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