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    Rosamond Skypark, CA (L00)
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  1. I got a cigarette lighter USB plug from one of the aviation web retailers that includes a bus voltage display and two connectors. Easy peasy. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/mgfmicrocharger13-15538.php?clickkey=6431
  2. So what vacuum do you use? (and I don't mean the one to power your instruments ) Bruce
  3. I own a 1984 Mooney M20J and the Oil Pressure Transducer failed. It has a Rochester XD0311-02001 with the legacy engine cluster gages. I looking to see if there is a suitable substitute that may be new, certified; and, hopefully plug and play . I have found used ones online and may end up going that route but would like a new part if available. Thanks, Bruce
  4. I may need to message Bob Weber as another poster suggested but here's my "pitch bobble" -- often when even the autopilot is on, whether in climb, descent, or altitude hold, my airplane will start a low amplitude oscillation or bounce in pitch at about a 1hz rate. I can arrest it with some yoke pressure but it will return. It seems to be "filtered out" or doesn't develop if I'm in turbulent air. This behavior existed before I installed the Garmin 275's and 750.
  5. My LEDs came in today.
  6. OP -- don't be so hard on yourself. I wouldn't call this complacent at all. You're cruising around and there's something small - almost invisible that's not even suppose to be there that surprises you -- sounds like a normal response to me and it's not your fault. I've flown past little mylar balloons by less than 100' before that I didn't see until I "cross overed" and it still took about 2-5 seconds to process WTF I just saw. Bottom line that drone shouldn't have been there at all and I'm afraid not much will be done by the FAA until they have a stack of dead bodies to highlight the problem.
  7. The parts manual says it ought to be the 12V bulb -- the GE330 as referenced in my post.
  8. It wasn't the wire, but the tiny rubber gasket that protects it came apart. You know the one that protects the wire as it goes threw one of the metal holes up to the socket? Now I'm considering whether I try to track done the OEM gasket or just fashion my own out of some careful dabs of RTV.
  9. 1984 M20J -- 14V Electrical System Since I've had the aircraft (about 6 year now), the landing gear indicator on the floor has been hard to read during the day. At night the light illuminates the indication adequately. For a couple of years now, I've been promising myself that I would either clean the transparency or replace the light bulb with a brighter light, perhaps even an LED version. My bird is an annual right now so it's on jacks with the belly panel off, so now is the time to fix this problem! So I remove the bulb and it turns out that its a 28V bulb (the GE 327) rather than the 14V GE330 that is specified in the parts book. That likely explains why I couldn't see it during the day, but would there be a reason for the 28V bulb being installed? Is the 14V ones too bright at night? Was some previous owner or A&P just lazy and put in a random bulb that fit? Could it have been installed that way at the factory? Is there some advantage such as longevity to using the 28V bulb? So many questions. Bruce
  10. I currently have an Air / Oil Separator on my airplane but was wondering what the tribal knowledge was on this topic. I'm sure it has to have been hashed out in detail so if you have link to the thread, please link it. BTW: M20J, Lycoming IO-360-A3B6 Bruce
  11. As far as I know, no. I'm not sure how the Mooney's circuit works for the overhead lights...is it 6V on "dim" and 12V on "bright"? All I know is there is now no difference between dim and bright with the LED I had installed. Regardless, the light is sufficiently bright without being stupid bright so I'm happy. If I were being picky, I would have been nice if the "DIM" was really dim to not impact night vision.
  12. These have been working great for my "friend". And it's a direct fit in my "friend's" 1984 M20J. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WF5RCKR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. Hmm. Good question. I have a "friend" who's replaced the cabin overhead lights with the little led bulbs. They work great except now there isn't much difference in illumination between "dim" and "bright". The big advantage is that it takes longer to run down the battery when they are accidentally turned on by a passenger and it's not notice by my "friend" for a couple of days. After the fact, that "friend" wishes he would have also tried the red bulbs -- or ideally if the system could somehow be modified to give red light in "dim" and white light on "bright" -- but that's a tangent, sorry. That same "friend" would love to put LED bulbs in for those same indicator lights as the OP mentioned.
  14. If I understand you right that may make sense, though I'm still scratching my head (I'm no EE) as to why the transistors are there in the first place. I had them set to pretty much as dim as they would go -- so if they (the transistors) are current limiting then they are doing their "thing" and getting hot. If I get a chance, I'll see if they cool off at max bright. Bruce
  15. With your dog habit you may want to consider a Caravan or King Air
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