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  1. Thanks for the info...i will give my 20c the challenge later this week..
  2. Nice.. do you recall were your rpm and mp ,were indicating.. Thks.
  3. Can anyone tell me what there mp and rpm are , at the 15 to 17000 ft altitude.. thks
  4. For all you m20c pilots,, wondering what is your mp, and rpm at when you reach 15000 or 17000. On my m20c at 10500 i am square at 21,, full throtlle ,, any higher mp drops below rpm..
  5. Hello  i am looking for I am looking for nose landing gear.parts  for a 75 m20c..  kinked it in a tow... at some time...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. edwin
    3. edwin


      Ok  so in the centre of the red circle is where the damage is  i need that assembly.   if you have a used one it must be perfect.condition. no rust....absoulutely no kinks in the tube..  thks Ed from manitoba   canada..

    4. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      Will get pics today..

  6. Hello everyone.. I own a 75 m20c which yoke mount for an ipad air works best for a m20c.. i would like to mount one on the right side and have it angle.... thks
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