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  1. Glad to hear it was just the graphics card Fred....40 fps sounds nice....I'm going to have to upgrade my card now! Best, Mike
  2. Hi Fred, I checked out my install yesterday and flew the simulator. When I hover over the throttle, prop, or mixture controls, the icon changes to a "hand" and the scroll wheel will move the control in or out. If I'm not hovering over a control, the scroll wheel will zoom the screen in and out. If I hover over something that gives me parentheses, holding down the left button and moving the mouse left or right, up or down will activate it (like the ignition switch). On the radios, I get a "hand" icon (in which case clicking the left mouse button will push the knob in like on the Garmin GPS's), hovering to the right or left will change to a parenthesis an will allow turning the knob. Moving slightly more right or left will change to the larger or smaller knobs on the Garmin. Clicking or moving the mouse while the parenthesis is visible changes frequencies or pages. I have the CH pro pedals and a Saitek throttle quadrant and yoke. Without those hooked up, the sim is almost impossible to fly...at least for any sort of practical training purposes. Here is a review of the hardware and software I'm running: Windows version 7 64bit, SP1on an ASUS X99-A motherboard with a 3.3 GHz Intel i7-5820K CPU and 48 GB of RAM. Windows Direct X 11.0 is installed. I'm running an Nvidia GeForce GTX 465 graphics card with only 1GB of onboard dedicated video RAM and have the Nvidia driver 391.35 installed. I have version 11.30r3 of X-Plane and the Carenado Mooney Ovation V1.2 installed. I have all the graphics & rendering options set to a "middle of the road" setting or so. I checked my frame rate (Ctl-Shift-F) and I'm getting a consistent 25 frames per second. The way I typically use it is to look outside down the runway for take off. Then at about 400 AGL, I scroll to a "heads down" in the cockpit view until DH or MDA on approach. I'm not really using all the nice rendering. My hardware doesn't seem any better that your's (except for the system RAM, and 16 GB should be fine for this) and my graphics card is worse than yours. Re-reading your earlier post, I'm not sure if you have the earlier Carenado Mooney J. I did and it didn't run that well on version 11 of X-Plane. If you don't have the Ovation for X-Plane 11, it may be worth taking a $30 gamble to see if that fixes it.....Otherwise I'm pinning the blame squarely on Windows 10 . Once again, hope this helps. I'm interested in knowing how you make out. Mike
  3. Hi Fred, I'll take another look at my setup later when I get home to see if there's anything else I can find. By the way, I'm not affiliated with X-Plane, I just bought version 11 and the Carenado Mooney, same as you. I had the same issue and adding a livery fixed it, but perhaps I changed some other setting's as well. I'll let you know. Mike
  4. Hopefully it works for him....I know I spent too much time trying to figure that out for myself. I've been lurking on this site for quite a while....finally felt I had something useful to contribute Mike
  5. Fred, Select a paint scheme (I believe X-plane calls the "liveries"). The pilot disappears and all the controls work in 3D....I had the same problem. Mike
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