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Everything posted by Tankinbarber

  1. Thanks Cliffy! I will do that for sure! CCowboy that sounds like a lot of fun!
  2. Nice plane! I have a rocket with a similar set up. I love the engine monitor.
  3. The boss (wife) wanted Mason. so Mason and my Mooney make M & M. lol
  4. Done! Thank you.
  5. Hey guys. Sorry I have been awol but my wife and I are having a baby boy any day. I have been flying 5808F but have not had a chance to make it too far due to the fear my wife is going to call me that she is in labor! lol. We are set to induce on monday, Therefore any idea's on getting lunch somwhere would be fun in the near future. I flew to havasu for lunch and confirmed the BBQ place is no longer there but they have a breakfast venue now. Another option would be anyone wanting to play a round of golf or something? I am up for idea's, let me know your thoughts. By the way anyone going to any fly in's soon?
  6. Hey guys. Just flew N5808F home today from Denver. I got her up to 17,500 and was doing 215 kts true. Crazy fast airplane!! I used to love that barbecue spot at Havasu and will call to see if they have shut down. I will start making some calls this week to see what we can set up.
  7. Here she is.
  8. Oh great. I bought a 1985 m20k 231 with the rocket conversion. I am keeping it at henderson(khnd). I will post pics once I get her tomorrow. I have noticed a lot of fly ins on the east coast so would love to organize something here out west to meet all of you guys. Let me know your thoughts?
  9. Hello, I just bought my first mooney and I am flying to Denver to pick her up. I live in Las Vegas and was curious if any mooney owners are in the area? I would like to plan a mooney fly-in and see how many people would be interested? I look forward to hearing back from you guys/gals soon. Eric
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