Overhauled the servo and fuel flow divider. Checked and rechecked everything else and followed up on all suggestions from this thread and elsewhere. Went to pick the airplane and fly it back today, after 22 hours of driving. Ready to fly.. Put it through its paces on the ground 20+ minutes; purred like a Porsche. Shut it down; waited a half hour. Started right up; did several runups, some at full power; no problems.
Took off stayed glued to vicinity of the airport for 45 minutes at 4,000 feet AGL; filipped tanks several times; toggled fueltboost pump on and off; various airspeeds and power settings; still Porsche-like. Felt like all was good and headed east.
Then, without warning, and without any further adjustment in throttle mixture or prop, engine choked for 10 plus seconds and was about to quit. Enough altitude (4,000 AGL) to catch fuel pressure approacing zero; and fuel flow meter extremely low. Boost pump on, switched tanks and jockeyed throttle and mixture. Engine came back to life on other tank. Returned to overhead the airport; spent another 10 minutes trying to get the problem to repeat itself. No luck. Everything ran strong on both tanks.
It's a wonderful airplane except for its engine quitting periodically, which significant impairs flight plans.
Everyone is stumped. Any further ideas.