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  1. yep...just private message me and we can lay out what you want...ie, colors, tailnumber, ship to, etc
  2. Hey All, I've been prototyping this with the Beechtalk community and thought it might be a good idea to post here....The short story on how this came to be was I was thinking about spark plug maintenance and decided to make a plug holder. I couldn't keep the cylinder numbers and the rotation order clear in my head and wound up making and 3D printing this thing that turned out to be pretty handy during spark plug cleaning, gapping and rotating. Here are the highlights - after many iterations : - Continental and Lycoming versions - 6 Cyl and 4 Cyl engines - Works with Champion and Tempest plugs (although they are the same size...they have different geometries) - Flex TPU insert/liner holds the plug snug - Grip slots on the bottom - With or without N number added - Measures just under 8"x 8" Some pics attached I can make more .... just message me. ....Brian D.
  3. MinneMooney, I have not had any issues after receiving the new hardware ( PN: 910-00101-001 A ) back in Feb '20. Put about 40 hours on since then. IMHO, if you want to go with the E5, work with a shop that is agreeable to installing it.
  4. It was all the E5....seems solid now and it actually initiates faster and more consistently too.
  5. I should add...I've put on about 6 hours since installing the new E5 configuration.
  6. Still solid with E5 - New Unit + New 2.11 SW.....just bought the TAS, OAT, GPS Annuc. and Winds Aloft unlock for the E5
  7. There have been lots of E5 / Aspen posts lately and just wanted to get an update out there. Aspen delivered an updated E5 ( with the new 2.11 software ) to my shop and was able to get it installed today. I have just 30 min on the new unit but no issues so far....Aspen has been responsive to the issue and feels like we are moving forward.
  8. @Baker Avionics I'm assuming this is *not* the "latest and greatest" ?
  9. I was looking pretty hard at the AV-20...the price differential between the 20 and 30 isnt that much but either would fit the bill.
  10. Sure thing...Thank you for taking a look.
  11. I am pretty sure the ifd is set to to talk to aspen via ARINC 429
  12. So, over the weekend and thanks to these aviation forums...I've been able to connect with 3 other Aspen E5 users having the same random in-flight reset issue. One thing in common is that all four of us are using the avidyne ifd440. maybe a coincidence? but worth noting. It does seem like E5 is being "told" to be reset by "something"....ie, I don't see any red Xs, error messages, shift to battery or anything in the log that indicate something failed and required a reset....the reset behaves the same if I just flipped the switch other than the normal "shutdown in progress" message you get when you do flip the switch.
  13. yep...same here....puts a real crimp on flying. I'm not giving up though and looking to get this fixed....Aspen has been in this business a long time and I would expect that they will be able to figure it out. On a side note....I am looking real hard at the uAvionix AV-30 as a backup once it gets certified.
  14. I did remove the VAC system as NJMac mentioned....I don't have the ea100 but I do have the ACU.
  15. my ifd440 is on
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