There's apparently a big PUSH now for the ADM which incorporated all these fancy little acronyms that we have to learn, memorize and apply to a given situation.
These range from "SAFETY" to cover the pre-flight orientation, Seat-belts, Air Vents, Fire Extinguisher, ELT, Traffic, Your Questions, and then goes on to the 3P's Perceive,(broken down with subcategory PAVE -Pilot, Aircraft, enVironment, External Factors) Process (broken down to CARE, Consequences, Alternatives, Reality, External Pressures) Perform to form a situational tool model which will determine if you should take a flight today based upon using each of these tools incorporated into any circumstances that might exist.
Followed by the IMSAFE, Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Emotion/Eating..
From what I hear they can ask any and all of this and have you apply each and every one of them in a systematic step by step evaluation of ...{EXAMPLE} So your friend wants you to fly him, his 98 lb g'friend to the Adult Video Awards in Vegas where she has her best friend, she is showing you some real nice photos of right now, is waiting to meet you in person. The plane is a 152, the distance is 375 miles over mountainous terrain, the ceiling at takeoff is 3,000' scattered class G and the weather at LAS is projected to be 1,800' mist. It's 5pm on a Friday What do you do? Use PAVE, 3P, DECIDE and CARE to explain the situation.
First.. IMSAFE.. Your not sick, you haven't taken any medications but your head hurts after a day at work. Your not stressed you are tired and you haven't eaten yet as your leaving work now.
Perceive, the ceiling and weight limitations of the 152, PAVE. Pilot is good to go. The Plane is going to take forever but it's slow and going to be heavy. Possibly needs a fuel stop. enVirnment, very tall mountains from NorCal to Vegas, going to have to find a route around most of these someway, External Pressure, meeting a nice Stripper/***** in Vegas is real pressure!
Process, CARE Consequences of taking this flight, fuel starvation, exhaustion, CFIT, Night Currency, Alternatives, SouthWest Airlines, Reality it's not that smart to do this mission in this plane, External Pressure, your friend wants to impress his new G'friend as she's promising to do a lot fun things tonight
Perform, Execute a plan, fuel, plan, eat (QUICKLY) and fly or
Detect the problem. I'm going to arrive so late that this hot chick is going to be drunk and already hooked up with someone else. The plane is to small, to slow, the weather is marginal at arrival, the plane is not IFR, I'm not IFR
Estimate: To little speed, to little fuel, to little time
Choose. Different plane, have I been check'd out in this Cessna 182 or the Cardinal? Leave at a different time?
Identify, The plane is not up to the task and the weather would require a MVFR landing and I'm not rated for that
Do Something: Buy tickets on SouthWest
Evaluate: Arrive on time to meet Tiffany Lee before she's to drunk or taken
This is what only one part of the Oral has come down to it appears...