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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I am traveling from Ohio down to the gulf. It has been ongoing for a month.
  2. I use Garmin flight. I will see if they have that option.
  3. I have a Garmin 650 with flight stream and gdl88. I also use Garmin pilot on my iPad. Up until recently I have never had a problem getting nexrad weather. I now get in initially, but it never updates in flight, and it will eventually disappear. Any ideas, it needs a firmware update, but I haven’t seen anywhere on Garmin that would suggest I would be having a problem. I checked and I am getting excellent satellite reception and I get the proper airplane traffic.
  4. Martha Lunken did my instrument check ride. She is a great lady. It is great to talk with her. She is still actively doing check rides, so I am not sure what is going on with then.
  5. Do you still have that plane for sale?  

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  6. I reported it immediately to ATC, so they had the location. I believe they were filing a report. It was not a little toy. I was probably 3 or 4 feet in size. It would do way more than a bird strike.
  7. Flying home yesterday VFR at 4500 ft and my passenger saw something and pointed it out. I had zero idea what it was, and then it came so fast... I had to take immediate evasive maneuvers and just missed the drone. It probably was just 50 below after I pulled up and turned hard right. It was a big one too. It won't be long before someone hits one of those things. I hope not, but that was way too close. They are dangerous, and someone is going to get killed before they do something about it. Mark
  8. Where and when is the mooney summit?
  9. I had the rigging checked and it was perfect. So that isn't the issue. If the rigging is perfect, could there be another mechanical problem?
  10. I had my leak resealed 4 years ago. it cost $3500. It leaked when it got back to the hangar. I took it to a service center. They said my tank leaked. I said I know, but I am going to have it stripped and sealed. They said they could do it, and it wouldn't leak. They would pressure test it and their guy was very good. Well it cost me another $3500 and it leaked when it got to my hangar... I am not patching again. I knew I should have done it from the beginning, but they thought it would work. My last annual, said, you have a leak...
  11. Adds too much weight. I don't want to lose what little that I have.
  12. I think these all look great. I really appreciate you guys. I will be making phone calls and pick one. Mark
  13. that is what I am talking about! We did take the panel off, and checked the chains. They were in identical positions on the plane and were not binding.
  14. OK. I am going to bite the bullet. I have a new engine, new avionics, and my plane is really fast. Now I have to fix the nasty leaking fuel tanks. I am going to get the entire tanks resealed, but I would like to know who has had their tanks redone completely, when they were done, and what has been the results. I know there is a place in Florida that does it as well as Minnesota. So if you had your done 7 years ago and still no leak, I would love to hear that. Also, if you had your done and it leaked when you got home, I would love to hear that too. I have had mine 'fixed" three times, and each time it has leaked when i got home. so no more of that. I am going for the total deal.
  15. Cincinnati so it was about an hour and half trip. Totally worth it.
  16. I flipped the hoses and it flies the exact same way, so it can't be the controller. It has to be something mechanical. Is there a way to mount the servo to weaken one side or the other. Also, no matter how the plane is loaded, or which tank I burn first, or who is with me, it pulls to the right.
  17. I just had it rigged. I turn off the wing leveler and it now flies totally straight. It was rigged correctly, but the tabs needed adjusted slightly. With the 66E it only has one controller and it was replaced with a rebuilt one from Brittain.
  18. I just wanted to tell everyone how great of a service that I got at this place. I need my wing rigging checked and these guys stayed late on a Friday to hook me up, and wouldn't go until it was finished and I test flew the plane several times. It is a family run business and also an authorized service center. This guy knows mooneys very well. I am going back there for my annual for sure. He is base near Charlotte at Foothills Regional.. I know people usually get the bad posts, but I wanted to post a good one. Mark Weidner
  19. I have a 66 E, so the wing leveler is different for the models done after 66, but I don't know what the problem is. My plane drifts to the right always. I have to turn my adjuster knob all the way left and it sometimes doesn't go right, but usually still drifts. If I turn it right, it makes a standard rate turn right. I have replaced the servos in all four locations. I have vacuum tested the sevos and the tubing with no leaks. I have vacuum tested the lines coming from the adjustment knob and they pass with flying colors. I then sent my controller back to britton and got a new one, because that had to be the reason. Well it didn't change anything. Still does the same thing. I then had the rigging checked on the plane and it was perfectly rigged. I changed the tubing to see if the system would switch and pull left, well that didn't work either, when I adjusted to the left (remember it is now opposite) it made a standard rate turn right and when I did the opposite, it just went straight. I did a vacuum test of the knob controller and it acts exactly the same depending of the way i adjust, so it seems to be working fine. So every component has been checked and is operating correctly. so it seems. The only thing i didn't do was switch the servos on both wings, because that is a bigger job than I wanted to do. I am of the opinion it is not a wing leveler problem, but somehow mechanical on my plane, but I don't know. I don't know how many hours I have spent on this, and all I get is more questions. Thanks for your guys help. Mark
  20. This is awesome. I have to reseal both of my tanks too and didn't know that I had to replace the wing walk. but now that I see the pictures, I understand. That looks really good. Anyone know the temperatures required to apply?
  21. She is a toddler. LOL. She is 3 years old, and seems like an infant. They grow up fast. Thanks for the advice. I will check out the kids headphones.
  22. I am going to be taking my 3 year old up with me on vacation. I have bose A20 and AVG headsets. They are way too big for her to wear without falling off. Earplugs are too big for her ears. Any suggestions? I would really like her to be able to hear us as well, so she isn't isolated and scared to fly. Any suggestions? We go in a couple of weeks.
  23. I also run my tank dry on long cross country flights for the exact same reason.
  24. Rain X will eat through your paint. It won't just discolor it. But some type of hydrophobic coating would be the best solution.
  25. 3.5 years and over 600 hours. I use my bird mostly to pick up my kids from college and to fly to job site across the country.
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