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Everything posted by Critter

  1. I carry a CO Guardian http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pspages/coguardian2.php I used to rely on the card style detectors on the dash, however a friend was coming down from flying his Pitts after 45 minutes and always had a headache. When he turned on his smoke system the cockpit filled with smoke. Taking a proper detector flying with him, he discovered that the alarm was going off and in the danger areas. The card on his dash did not register!!!! I now keep the CO Guardian plugged into my cigarette lighter all of the time in my "J". A nice Peace of mind
  2. ok, found it. Just outboard of RH fuel tank, fwd. Now i just have to figure how to get the thing to work. IFR or not i still want to be able to work out my TAS Thanks all
  3. With a few hours under my belt in our 201 now, it has been a learning process. I have found that my manifold pressure gauge was reading incorrectly, I am now finding that at 4500 feet I am seeing 145 IAS, did not work out my TAS, but it was good to have a tailwind and see 180 ground speed. This is running at 24" 2400 rpm. Very happy.
  4. Thanks guys, l shall check tomorrow. I did locate a pitot drain at the left leading edge wing root which I did not know about. Initially I thought that was the probe. I hope I can get it working, otherwise I shall go down the Davtron path, though $400 for a OAT gauge is hard to justify.
  5. I am trying to get my outside air temp working properly, i have checked the gauge and bonding, however l cannot find the OAT probe. could someone please give give me an insight to where the probe is? '77' 201. Thank you in advance Chris
  6. Hi guys, Thanks for all of the responses. It was late when l started the topic, a couple of corrections: I was only doing 130 knots ground speed because of the head wind, they were pretty strong winds! What indicated airspeed should l be seeing at 2500 ft at the above power power settings? I need a goal to set myself to improve the machine back to book standard. Other things: Cowl flaps definitely closed, engine looks close to aligned, wing flaps were up. As with the rigging, something is wrong with the ailerons trailing up. The plane recently had the aileron bellcranks replaced, this is a good starting point. I did not think it was normal for the ailerons to be up. Thanks again.
  7. Greetings all, Having just purchased a 1977, 201 this weekend, I was wondering what speeds l should be. I had some decent headwinds all the way home so never saw more than 130 knots true, but feel that my new bird should be a few knots faster. At 2500ft it was indicating138 knots at 2400 24" and about 143 knots at 2500 25" both times just rich of peak I am not too concerned, as l can see several areas where l shall be able to speed the old bird up, for starters, the paint was really dirty and needs a good polish. The other fact is that it has upper and lower rotating beacons on the tail section, these are the old extra large motorised beacons, there should be several knots to gain by removing the lower unit and later the upper. I also think that the plane needs rigging, both ailerons are trailing up by 2", whatnis normal? I shall also check that the gear doors are flush Apart from the speed issue, the flight went well, l had never flown a mooney before, I am looking forward to loading the family in and discovering further remote areas of Australia, l can see that l shall own this plane for quite a while, it has new leather seats, new carpets, new plastics along with decent avionics. Regards Chris
  8. Greetings, I have just committed to buy a 1977 20J, I was wondering if it possible to get a copy of the POH too. Regards Chris
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