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    Phoenix, Az
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    1981 M20K

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  1. I'd like to sell a propeller but it says I need to donate before I'm able to do so.  Please give me instruction on how I can donate.

    1. mooniac58


      This topic should give you all the details: 


  2. I limit TO power to 37", due to the Air Flow intercooler. With all reading I've done lately, it sure seems the vast majority of those with intercooler seem to have an auto waste gate, as well. Thanks for the note about a waste gate not being a absolute pressure controller. I'm finding that LOP operations get very sensitive. So a slow hand is helpful when running there. I keep my logs in the hangar. I must remember to read back over history. Seems the more I know the more confused I get! But I'm comfortable with the LOP ops now. I have a printed chart for percentages of power with a notation of where the re box is, with each power setting. I'm careful to run under 65% and stay out of the red box. If I need more speed, I increase power, check my red box numbers and have faith in all the test data.
  3. I'm going to embarrass myself on my first post to is blog. I just popped my LOP cherry in my 1981 M 20K. JLunseth comment addresses something I noticed on my virgin voyage. As I did the mixture pull I noticed a substantial MP drop., in the range of 5"'s. I did it several times. And wondered, crap what did I do wrong. Ignorance in my own plane. I've had 231 VF for over 5 years, flown it about 350 hrs and seem to remember someone telling me it has an auto waste gate! From jLunseth's note, I must NOT have that auto waste gate. I did play the teeter-tawter with adding a little power, then leaning little, the adding a little power etc. Being hypersensitive to what I was hoping to accomplish, I began to feel rough operations. I swear I was so focused on vibration I felt the shock waves of an ant farting 10,500 below me. A stressful flight for several reasons, but this wavering of the MP was of great concern. All ended well, absolutely no problems with anything other than what my imagination conjured up. All that being said, how can I confirm that's do not have an auto waste gate? If I do have an auto W G, why would I have these drops with the big mixture pull? It's humbling to come to a new sight (for me) and in 10 minutes of reading, realize I don't know crap about a plane I love. Does this mean I don't know much about my wife, either?
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