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Everything posted by Bryanmooney

  1. Guys, In the POH of my 1967 Mooney M20C with a 0-360 there is no emergency descent procedures. What would you guys do in case of needed emergency descent? Thanks for advice.
  2. I anyone attending the Triple Tree weekend this weekend? Thoughts on weather? Thinking about heading over there Saturday/ Sunday. Is it worth going for just a day?
  3. Does anyone know of Accelerated ground school classes? Paul was kind enough to pass along info about the Rick Yandle school but it looks like they only have one class till the end of the year. Thanks for any help.
  4. I am definetly set on an accelerated program. And as with any new ability I will certainly take my time. I was hoping someone may have a direct contact or facility they recommend. Hopefully something on the east coast.
  5. I am working on getting the written part done now . I will just need to get flight time and practical done. The time of year I can do this training is November through February sometime.
  6. So I have been using my new to me mooney lately to travel a bit. Long predictable story short,,,,,, I need to sell this thing and buy a cub to play around in or I need to get an instrument rating. My schedule really does not permit me to do instrument training traditionally. Does anyone recommend an accelerated course company or location. I would prefer to travel away from home and get it done in 7-10 days. Thanks for any input.
  7. My manifold pressure gauge has gone out. Not sure if it is gauge or what, frankly i just want it fixed. I am based out of JAU in lafolete tn. Anyone know of someone who can come to my field and fix it? Really too busy this time of year with work to deal with it.
  8. Looks like a day later it is still stuck on 24inches. AP says it is probably a gauge.
  9. I jsut got my c model back from annual. Looks like for some reason, the manifold presure gauge is sticking. No real relation to an actual reading. Sometime stuck on 25 in sometimes on 20. Reving throttle up makes no difference. Have not talked to the AP yet, any ideas/ quick fixes?
  10. I know it used to have an autopilot. Not sure about whats left. I will call the ap tomorrow. Definetly interested in the PC
  11. Folks, I am wondering what it would cost, what would be advised for an autopilot install. Is there a cheaper way to get even one axis for a fair price? I have a 430W onboard so maybe being coupled would be nice or something really fancy but at this point I am just trying to figure out the costs/ options. Thanks for any advice.
  12. I am still doing transition training so my instructor has me thinking about a lot of different things. When I get some of my own time I will document exactly comparable times and post back. I am VERY thankful I got a JPI because I would have never known how much stress I was putting on the cylinders.
  13. Good news guys, It seems most of the issue was I was simply climbing out too agressively. Today I initially started at 80 but only momentarily, then to 100 till about 600 feet, then on to 110-120 for the rest of the climb. The engine stayed about max 400ish degrees. Only once while taking off with some terrian @TN44 did I get it to go to 500 degrees. it never went past 500 and I was able to cool it down. This I chalked up to my agressive climb. I simply cant climb nose high like I am used to in C 172s. During all climbs I kept it WOT for max fuel. Thanks for all the advice. I will let you know if they find anything in annual.
  14. Again, thanks for all the advice. Seems like no one with a C model climbs out at 80mph then 100. So regardless of having a potential problem that would put me climbing out much more agressively than everyone else. I will try 120 tomorrow and see how that goes.
  15. Hi everyone, My 1976 mooney M20C annual is coming up next week, first one ever for me. I am having Aero Comfort, based on recomendation from this site, cover the yokes in leather and make me new carpet. I would love to get new sidepanel plastic but the 2500.00 pricetag will have to wait. Has anyone ever had experience just painting your current plastic? Mine is cracked and stuff but for now atleast having a consistent color would make a huge diffence I think. My only concern is having it chip after a while thus looking even worse what it presently is. Any advice?
  16. Here is a picture of the bird for your viewing pleasure.
  17. Wow, thanks for all this advice. I think I need to look more closely at the fuel flow and get back to everyone. I will also try increasing speed on climbout.
  18. I will hopefully fly tomorrow and I will get exact egt and cht readouts.
  19. O-360 Correct. I will review EGTs and post it. The factoy CHT has a quite wide "green" arc and it seems to get 75% to the red but never in the red. I somewhat discounted the factory gauge as it seems like a pretty rough instrument compared to a JPI with a probe on each cylinder. My fuel flow seems to be correct as it is dumping 12 or so gph through the carberator. in full rich mode.
  20. I just purchased a 1976 Mooney M20C with a carberated IO-360 and a JPI engine analyzer. This is my first plane so I am a bit green as I am used to flying rentals with little to no cht readings. On my plane on departure all the way through establishing cruise my CHTs run 475+ pretty much across the board. I dont have cowl flaps, typically climb at 80mph till 500agl then I climb at 100mph. Is this a programming issue? Could I really be running that hot? I will be taking it in for annual on the 20th but this is beginning to make me nervous I am damaging my cylinders. I appreciate any advice,,
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