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Chris Strube

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About Chris Strube

  • Birthday 12/25/1948

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lillooet, BC, Canada
  • Interests
    Food, wine, flying, fly-ins, scuba, classical music.
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  • Model
    M20E Turbo
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  1. For Yetti...it was left on the glareshield in the hottest part of summer, and its bulging all around. I can't get the screws out to see if any parts are salvageable. None of the lights go on when power is connected. I'd say it's perished, gone to meet its maker. For EricJ...Amazon won't send to my address, even though it's a physical address, and not a PO Box. For bigmo...I'll check out the Sentry Mini, thanks.
  2. 1965 M20E, at annual, my Dukes fuel pump is dripping. Can the seals and/or o-rings and/or gaskets be replaced? What are my options? Any and all help appreciated, and free advice paid for with a nod and a wink.
  3. My Flightbox ADS-B receiver, which I built from a kit in 2007, has finally died. Does anyone have a Flightbox or Stratux for sale, maybe from an upgrade?
  4. The gills and the front scoop were added to my 65 E, when I had the turbo installed.
  5. My Mooney logo ball cap is getting threadbare, and I can't find another like it. I bought it many years ago from MAPA, now sadly gone. I don't like the one from Sporty's, wrong shape for my square head. Suggestions please.
  6. Thanks, I've asked my rebuilder to get back to me. I'll let you know if they want to go this route.
  7. Thanks, I've sent them an email.
  8. I need a new, rebuilt, or rebuildable cylinder for my 1965 M20E with Lycoming IO360A1A. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
  9. Chris

    can you tell me anything you know of Mooney Mustang M22

    Do you know of any that have been converted to turbine or to a Beech Duke 380/Hp up grade ?

    my contact Five o Five Four Five o Forty Four o One please tell me or copy and past me any contacts that may have up graded one of these Mooney M22’s

    thank you


  10. OK, thanks all for the reality check. I knew all that, but lust is hard to let go of. To answer a question, it is a turbo, and it works well. It holds max allowable 27inches to FL180, and still gives me 24 inches at FL220. The last piece of my puzzle will be a good engine monitor, after I finish paying for the new engine and turbo rebuild. Taxes in BC are only on the sale, not annual property taxes as they are in California.
  11. I have a perfectly good plane, a 1965 M20E, that's been modified heavily. I can land and depart a 1500ft grass field, climb non-stop to FL180 in 20 minutes, then cruise at about 180KTAS for 5 hours. It's old school, but fully IFR, with 3 axis Brittain autopilot that works well. It's comfortable for the 2 of us, with a nice interior. Why then, am I constantly looking at M20M TLS Bravo's? I'm probably too old to learn a glass panel, but my brain refuses to quit looking at shiny new things. Free advice is worth everything you pay for.
  12. 1965 M20E turbo. I'm removing my "through the window" OAT probe, and have installed an AV-30. Where is the best place for an electronic OAT probe?
  13. 1965 M20E turbo. I'm removing my "through the window" OAT probe, and have installed an AV-30. Where is the best place for an electronic OAT probe?
  14. The turbo didn't seem to affect the heat output. Max heat output to the front is WAY too hot to handle, so I have to juggle the controls to make it bearable. I have the same problem with defrost being anemic.
  15. Thanks for the ideas. I'll check the louvered outlets first. I may be chasing an impossibility, as I've seen OATs in the -50C range. My most northerly office is in Norman Wells, NWT (CYVQ), and I've flown there in winter!
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