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Looks like your club is coming together nicely.  I am happy for you.

It's fun isn't it.  The West Coast Club is having our first fly-in this Saturday and as of now we have 96 people, 53 planes registered with 51 Mooney's in the group.

I was able to get annual sponsorship's from Aircraft Spruce and  LASAR with over $1,000 in prizes as well as discounted fuel on the field.

I created a banner for our events as well.  I'll have pictures up next week.  

Good luck with all your activities.  Keep me posted on everything you are doing.

All the best,

Michael Rodgers

West Coast Mooney Club.

West Coast Mooniac Banner Final High Res.pdf.gif



That is great Michael.  Maybe when I retire, I can fly out for one of the west coast events.  Spring weather is finally here in the east, so it is time to start organizing a few events on this side of the Mississippi.

Glad the west coast group is getting of to such a great start.


Rusty Nance

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