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Day One - 03/09



Today March 9th kicked off my spring break trip 2018! It was a crazy hectic day that about started off so badly. I had gotten out of class the night previous at 2130 local and by the time I got home and finished putting together my things it was after 2215 when I finally crawled into bed and my alarm was set for 0045 this morning with the shuttle leaving for Pheonix departing from campus at 0145. I woke up 45 min past my planned alarm wake up and only had 15 min to get up, around, and get to the airport shuttle. Yes you heard that right, the airport shuttle. My Mooney has been in the shop back in Kansas for gear work and a nose gear overhaul, so I had to take glorified buses back home from college to pick up my baby. Surprisingly I was able to quickly get ready, throw my electronics in my backpack, and I pulled onto campus behind the shuttle(luckily they were running late)! After settling into the shuttle I relaxed and enjoyed the rest of my travel. Once arriving back into rural SW Kansas I checked out the aircraft, and decided to wait on taking her up due to rough air and high winds. I normally am not worried about these conditions as they are what I started off training in, but I haven't flown my aircraft in two months and decided taking her up today was an unnecessary risk! Tomorrow the weather shouldn't be too bad and I am planning on leaving bright and early to fly to Oklahoma to surprise my family and attend my youngest cousins dance recital. Hopefully every thing is perfect with the aircraft and there are lots of tailwinds! Goodnight for now and hope everyone has Blue Skies ahead!




Day 1-3.mp4

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This is going to be an awesome trip. Need more pics, Kendrick!

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