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About this blog

I am going to keep this journal / blog as I fly my Mooney AKA my baby across the United States. I am going to include a daily summary and some pictures of my experiences, hardships / challenges, and exciting moment. Not only is this a trip of a lifetime, this is a way that I am planning on building lots of hours! 

Entries in this blog

Day Four - 03/12

Day four was a huge success! We were a little late getting around and getting off the ground, but we were wheels up around noon. We were very curious and worried about some clouds we ended up flying right over and no issues with icing or getting stuck anywhere. We made our first fuel stop in KPBF, Pine Bluff Regional Airport Grider Field, for some incredibly cheap fuel and fun entertainment. After a quick trip into town for some diner food, we went back and enjoyed the culture that is incredibly



Day Three - 03/11

Sunday the 11th was a lazy non-flying day. My good friend, that is going to be on the trip with me, and I decided to rest and catch up on some R&R before we start the long journey! We also decided to wait at home for my mom and grandma to get back home so I could spend some more time with them before I head off! It was a great break and much needed. All of the devices are charged up and we are ready to hit the airways and see what the country has to offer! 



Day Two - 03/10

It was a crazy last couple of days, but I am finally catching back up, so I am so sorry for the delays on the blog! On day two I woke up bright and early at 0530 and was on the road to the airport at 0615 with a very hopeful takeoff of 0700. I have missed the sunrises in the midwest and it was nice to experience it again driving and up in the air. Wheels up retracted perfectly at 0715 and I was off to Claremore Oklahoma. My two hour journey had started as I was off to surprise my family (Mom, Na



Day One - 03/09

Today March 9th kicked off my spring break trip 2018! It was a crazy hectic day that about started off so badly. I had gotten out of class the night previous at 2130 local and by the time I got home and finished putting together my things it was after 2215 when I finally crawled into bed and my alarm was set for 0045 this morning with the shuttle leaving for Pheonix departing from campus at 0145. I woke up 45 min past my planned alarm wake up and only had 15 min to get up, around, and get to the



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