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Start with Plane Plastics for the panels. Worth considering a coat of paint (SEM) for them after fitting as all plastic of this type has poor UV resistance and tends to yellow.



I am getting ready to re-do my 68C panel (second time!).  I like the classic look, with standard "T" however, am going for newer technology integrated into the panel.


The installation will include an RC Allen digital Attitude Indicator, Directional Gyro and full size iPad installed where the radio rack is currently.  This will allow me to get rid of the Vacuum system.


A PS engineering audio panel, with remote VHF radio, Nav 2000 from Val Avionics (which will talk to the RC Allen Directional Gyro turning it into an HSI) will update my avionics. This will be installed in the "auxiliary" radio rack on the co-pilot's side. I'll use the iPad for GPS navigation "supplementing" my VOR/ILS capability.


This will make for a clean, "retro looking," panel with all the "bells and whistles," inflight entertainment for passengers (via blue tooth from iPad to PS Engineering Audio Panel), moving map, synthetic vision, ADS-b, etc..


The panel will be a water jet cut 2024T3 aluminum, powder coated with a photo emulsion print to match the original wood grain (think Cadillac plastic "wood" inserts).


The cost of the metal panels alone will be less than Plane Plastics covers...

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I'm in the same boat you are and looking to eventually replace my plastics. My seats and carpet are relatively new and I'm keeping those. Check out Aero Comfort of San Antonio Texas. They quoted me at $2,900 for all the plastics plus leather arm rests on the left pilot side and door. That quote was for me to ship it down to them and they ship it back. For them to do the work I think it was an extra $1,000. They wanted tons of pictures to match everything. It's not high on my priority list but I thought it was worth asking.

Chris from PA


I had my overhead and window frame plastic pieces in my '65 C repaired and covered in fabric by Airtex in PA. I wasn't thrilled with their customer service but the quality of the work is very good. I then threw out all the plastic side panels and had Advantage Interiors  (also in PA) build me custom vinyl/fabric panels that match my seats. Can't say enough good things about Advantage. Total cost was around $4K installed.


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