I noticed the Alt Volt warning light today for the second time (it happened also a week ago and I executed the steps described here and thought the problem was gone) when I started the engine and turned the Alternator on. I tried resetting the associated circuit breakers but that did not change anything. I then decided to check if the stand by alternator would charge the battery and it did. I increased the RPM to 2300, turned off the main alternator and engaged the standby alternator and it started to charge the battery and the Alt volt warning light turned off. I then disengaged the standby alternator and turned on the main alternator and this time the alternator was charging the battery and there was no warning light.
is this a symptom of one of the sensors gone bad?
I proceeded with the short flight, initially around the pattern and then 15 miles a way and there were no further issues during the flight. But it still bothers me obviously.