After 22 years of not flying I got back to it. Bought a Mooney 231 in Spring Branch. 400 hours in M20E 845 in M20K.Took my CfII along for the trip to Fort Lauderdale. Thankfully I did. Small squawk issues on the way. IFR half of the way with ATC sliding us through a hole near Lakeland. Headed for a night landing in the light rain at KHWO. My CFII had been working on trying to get my landings set up a little better by extending the downwind and getting the speeds right. We both decide on a go around for a better set up Power in trim down, but no movement on the trim. Nose up and near a stall we were both pushing with all of our strength to hold the yoke down. He thought I was pulling when we were both pushing with as much force as we could manage. we worked out that I would try to hold the nose in an up position, but not quite stall speed. I TOOK HIM TWO HANDS TO FINALLY BREAK THE TRIM FREE. He made the landing the next time around not using the trim for speed, but power at just the right time to ease it on.
So guys when I head to the airport tomorrow to figure out what happened where do I start?