I’m considering a panel upgrade in 2021. Hopefully after the avionic shops work through their backlog of ADS-B installs and the lead times are somewhat less than 6-9 months.
I’m considering either two G5s, or a G5 AI and a 7” G3X. I already have a G5 in AI configuration. I’m leaning towards the G3X/G5 combo, but I’m getting some conflicting information as to whether the G3X is compatible with the S-TEC 55 autopilot (Not a 55X, but with the separate ST-901 GPSS button). I know the G5 HSI, along with the GAD 29B is compatible with the S-TEC.
Does anyone out there know if the G3X, with or without the GAD29B is compatible with the S-TEC 55 autopilot?