Just curios...
Short version: Just wondering how many out there have an Altimeter Correction chart in their POH and make adjustments for it when they fly.
Long version: I've noticed that when I fly IFR, ATC frequently shows me at an altitude that is 100' lower than what I see on my altimeter. Figured that was close enough. However, while going through the performance section of my '78 J model POH I actually took the time to look at the Altimeter Correction graph. Since I usually find myself cruising around at 120 - 140 KIAS, turns out that I'm really 40 - 60' lower than my altimeter says. That 'splains a lot. Think I'll take an average of 50'. I think from now on, if I'm supposed to fly at 5000', I'll fly at 5050' instead and see if it makes ATC happier.
Similarly, with gear and flaps down and at final approach speed, turns out I'm actually about 10 - 20' lower than the altimeter says. If I'm IMC, I think I'll use a 20' correction and use minimums 20' higher than published.
How many of you do that?