Here is an issue that has me perplexed about a factory O2 system leak at the outlet assembly. I need some of your brain power.
A new (to me) 2007 Acclaim with factory O2. The previous (original) owner never used the O2 system. The main tank holds O2 just fine. There is no leak in the system whether turned on or off as long as there are no devices plugged in to the cabin outlet assembly located in the headliner. The leak is easily heard and felt around the outside of the Scott connector when inserted into the assembly. Once the Scott connector is removed the leak immediately stops. This leaking occurs identically at all 4 stations using 5 different Scott connectors fully seated with-in the assembly.
Could all 4 ports be bad at once? Could the regulator be bad and over pressurizing the cabin side (I believe it is an alt adjusting regulator)?
any ideas?