We're picking up 1ZX from an annual turned engine overhaul on Tuesday. We previously had the Firewall Forward HP plus STC, but opted to not use the 10:1 compression pistons in this overhaul. So, the engine is a standard IO360-A3B6D that would be in most M20J's. Triad did the engine overhaul, and AGL Aviation did the removal and reinstall. I will be asking Triad and AGL the same question, but I'm curious to hear Mooneyspace's opinions as well.
What's the best break-in procedure and schedule for oil changes during the break-in period? Triad ran the engine for a couple hours on their stand, and AGL has ground tested the engine some. Lynn at AGL is giving us a 2 1/2 hour break in flight procedure that we will complete before our final departure home. From what little I know about new airplane engines, I know they typically use mineral oil in the first hours. For how long do you use the mineral oil? And what's the purpose of mineral oil vs regular oil?
Any other general advice for helping get this engine last well into TBO hours?
The Firewall forward overhaul was at about 1650 hours when pulled. In it's defense (if there is one), the plane sat for about a year and a half before we bought it with only an occasional ground run.