For those who don't want to read long entries, this is about airspeed on final. I have started using yet another speed (involving mental math) and wonder if anybody else is doing something similar.
When we first got the J I flew 80 KIAS on final... too fast.
Then I started slowing to 75 KIAS, still floated forever.
Then I tried 70 KIAS, still float more than I like.
Here comes the nerd part. Our POH only gives stall speed for max gross weight; full flaps it is 55 KIAS. It does not give stall speeds at any other weight. So I got out my trusty calculator app and did some figger'n. Since lift is proportional to the square of the velocity, I used the formula W2/W1 = V2^2/V1^2. Since I knew W1= 2740 and V1 = 55 I could enter any weight and come up with the stall speed. I then took the stall speed at each weight and multiplied by 1.3 to come up with a target speed (no gusts) on final.
Bottom line, I now use the following: 58 KIAS + 1.5 x (fuel+ payload in hundreds).
So for example. If I come back to the airport solo with 10 gallons on board that's about 190# for me and all my gear + about 60# for fuel = 250# total. I round that up to 300. 3 x 1.5 = 4.5 so I would use 63 KIAS on final. If I come back with 30 gallons, and 400# of people and bags I would use 58 + 1.5 x (400 + 180)/100. Call it 58 + 1.5 x 600 = 58 + 9 = 67 KIAS on final.
So far I'm much happier with my landings.
So is it just me?