I had forgotten that Mooney Intl was on Instagram until I got a notification the other day that they requested to follow me (I already followed them). That's when I realized that they only have 5 people following them. 5.
With the level of participation in Social Media that I assume regular users of this site engage in, I am surprised that more of us don't aren't on this already. I have to admit they aren't the most active account I follow, but I'll bet if we get them some more followers they will start to post more. Plus, maybe a couple of our members who work in Kerrville could convince whoever is in charge of the account to start posting pictures from around the factory. It may be the mechanical engineer in me, but I love seeing these planes at all stages of assembly and watching them come together.
Consider this a sign up drive for Mooney's Insta.
@mooneyintl on Insta and twitter.