My company has lost its way and each day it becomes more clear it's time to retire. Sadly I dont work for the govt so do not have a crazy pension that promises to bankrupt the city county or state. What I do have is a resonable pension but will still see a big drop in income. Life is funny most things are time and money and we have one or the other. Soon I will have the time. The good news is there will be no debt and our Mooney has been given lots of attention making it very reliable. I think keeping it and continuing to fly will be in the cards and I am planning on other things that will with luck make me say god I wish I would have retired sooner. Carusoam mentioned it might be a good line of discussion what thoughts and experience folks have had when life changes the status quo. obvious change would be to take on a partnership but I would rather be a greeter at Wally World than let someone fly my plane without me in it.
This thread could be about what you have experienced or what measures you are taking to allow you to continue this wonderfully expensive hobby. I know there are those with so much financial means that there really isnt a worry but for many it's a real concern.