So I'm flying my first arrival at Oshkosh this year in my C model- not the Caravan but the standard FISK VFR arrival. I'm studying the Notam, which is really pretty clear, and watching some youtube videos to get the visual lay of the land and ambiance of the arrival. But as a fairly low time pilot, I feel like I should also practice some flying skills to get ready. I'm going to schedule something with my instructor in a couple of weeks for this purpose and wanted to now what skills I should ask to practice. As of now, I plan to practice the following:
-Short field/ precision landings
-Short approaches/ engine out 180s
-Configuring the plane for 90kts cruise - This may take some trial and error, I pretty much never cruise this slow
-Slow flight in general
Do folks have any other suggestions? One thing that worries me is judging spacing and making necessary adjustments if I'm getting too close.