Have a basic stupid question regarding flap extension speeds. I am getting ready to fly an Ovation for the first time, and my Mooney trained CFI and I were discussing flap speeds. I have always waited to add any flaps at Vfe which is 109 kts in my F. My CFI mentioned that this speed in the Ovation (110kts) is the maximum extended flap speed and partial flaps can be dropped at a faster speed. Furthermore, this quote from the POH pp 2-3 says: "Vfe, Do not exceed this speed with flaps in full down position." Elsewhere in the POH it indicates in Figure 2.2 White arc range 59-110 as the "flap operating range." Other high performance aircraft I have flown have an approach flap setting of approximately 10 degrees. So the question is, can I safely extend say 10 degrees at a faster airspeed than 109 or 110 kts? If so, what speeds are commonly used for an approach flap setting?