I got a '68 C model with bladders 5 months ago and find that I still need to learn some really basic stuff about this plane. Per POH preflight, I been dutifully pulling the ring by the fuel selector for each tank. But until yesterday, I never made someone else do it so I could see if and where the gascolator drains. Turns out I don't see anything draining. Further I have no clue where to find the the drain nozzle. Per records, the MSC mechanic who did my pre-buy+annual did clean the fuel screen and change a gasket in the gascolator.
I'm not sure that it's related, but I had an incident 3 months ago where the fuel pressure gauge would go down to near 0 psi when I turned off the boost pump during climb above 1000agl. It happened 3x in a row, on either tank, making me freak out and turn the boost pump back on. Since then it's never happened again. I wonder if a piece of partially obstructive debris ultimately broke up and plugged the drain.
So my questions are:
1. Where is the drain in the '68C? I've learned from prior posts that earlier C models had it in the nose gear well, but I'm not sure this is true of the '68. When I look in the wheel well, I can't identify it, but then I don't have a clue what I'm looking for either.
2. Assuming the drain is clogged, is there anything I can do to deal with this before taking it to the shop?
3. If it must go the shop, are the guys on my field able to handle this easily? They know Pipers and Grummans but seem minimally familiar with the old Mooneys.