So I went out flying tonight with the sole purpose of determining the actual glide slope for my particular plane.
Experiment Parameters: 105 mph indicated airspeed per POH, 500' to stabilize descent rate, time the descent for 500' vertical. First test 2500 RPM (cruise), throttle idle, mix cutoff, then "feather" prop, 500' to stabilize, 500' timed.
Airplane conditions: '67 M20F, 655 lbs under gross, most 201 mods added, needs washed and waxed.
Results: 2500 RPM = 33.0 seconds = glide ratio 10.2; "Feathered" = 41.1 seconds = glide ratio 12.7
POH Data: Prop windmilling 105 mph glide ratio 10.2; Prop stopped 100 mph glide ratio 12.7
So was this just dumb luck? I think the best glide speed changes with weight, so my true best glide speed should have been lower than 105 (though I don't know exactly how much or how to calculate). I also assume the 201 mods would reduce my drag from the factory airplane. So is this just an example of multiple errors compounding to cancel one another out or is the best glide ratio a relatively fixed number at a given airspeed?