To All of My Friends:
After eight wonderful years of ownership N56FM and I parted company. The sale was difficult because I had a lot of interest in the plane. I guess if you have a good plane the market is still strong. I had enough interest that I was actually able to select who I wanted to buy the plane from three eligible bidders all of whom showed up within 10 days of my listing the plane for sale. A really nice guy from California bought the plane last Friday and we closed.
He is a very accomplished pilot with considerable Mooney experience. As some of you know he suffered the embarrassment that we all worry about on his return home with the new plane when he landed gear up. I only found out about it when the FAA called me and I started getting private messages from some of my friends on the forum. I appreciate everyone's concern and I will relay everyone's thoughts to the buyer but I want to keep his identity private since it really is his business.
I will continue lurking around the site. Here is a picture of the new bird.